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 Lvling up/ Exp

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Lvling up/ Exp Left_bar_bleue14/50Lvling up/ Exp Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Lvling up/ Exp Empty
PostSubject: Lvling up/ Exp   Lvling up/ Exp Icon_minitimeFri Jun 27, 2008 4:50 pm

Cashier: I'll make this piece of info as quick and painless as possible

Exp is gained by Quests, Events, and Role Playing

Quests and Events have their own set exp.

When you Role Play in certain areas your "RP Exp" increases.

For every lvl your on you have a certain amount of Exp to Gain to grow to the Next Lvl.
For Example, if your Lvl 1, you'll look up 'Lvl 1' on the EXP Chart and put in that number in the "Exp' on your character sheet.

For example: the Number Next to each lvl is how much for the NEXT level.

So when you're Lvl 7, 2200 is how much you need for lvl 8

Lvl 1:  50
Lvl 2:  100
Lvl 3:  300
Lvl 4:  750
Lvl 5:  1000
Lvl 6:  1500
Lvl 7:  2200
Lvl 8:  3000
Lvl 9:  4900
Lvl 10:  6000
Lvl 11:  8000
Lvl 12:  8500
Lvl 13:  9100
Lvl 14:  9800
Lvl 15:  13000
Lvl 16:  14000
Lvl 17:  14800
Lvl 18:  15300
Lvl 19:  16800
Lvl 20:  17300
Lvl 21:  20000
Lvl 22:  28000
Lvl 23:  34600
Lvl 24:  37900
Lvl 25:  43300
Lvl 26:  47800
Lvl 27:  48500
Lvl 28:  50000
Lvl 29:  58900
Lvl 30:  60000
Lvl 31:  66000
Lvl 32:  70000
Lvl 33:  77000
Lvl 34:  80000
Lvl 35:  88000
Lvl 36:  90000
Lvl 37:  99000
Lvl 38:  100000
Lvl 39:  111000
Lvl 40:  113000
Lvl 41:  117000
Lvl 42:  122000
Lvl 43:  130000
Lvl 44:  135000
Lvl 45:  141000
Lvl 46:  148000
Lvl 47:  156000
Lvl 48:  165000
Lvl 49:  175000
Lvl 50:  186000


-If you grow a Lvl your Exp count stays what it was. This way ur post count can accumulate
-To Check your level just add your RP Exp and your 'Exp' (from quests and events and such) in your head
-If you have extra Exp after you grow a Level, then you add that to your exp count for the next lvl

Next on the list is: Weapons and Items!!!

Last edited by Ray on Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:05 am; edited 9 times in total
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