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 Shopping FAQ

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Shopping FAQ Left_bar_bleue14/50Shopping FAQ Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Shopping FAQ Empty
PostSubject: Shopping FAQ   Shopping FAQ Icon_minitimeTue May 27, 2008 3:27 pm

Cashier: Like in your world people make a living by buying and selling goods to keep the economy running. Same in Maroon. There's tons of items and weapons in Maroon that you can update your character with, and it will make all the differenece. Here in Maroon the currency (or the type of money we use) is Gold.
Now first of all:

1.) How do you get gold?
-By Quests, Events, Ect
-For every 100 posts you get 100gold
-Keep track of your gold in your "Character Stats"
--Don't lie about how much gold you have. You will get 2 warnings and then a 3rd strike will lead to ban.

Now, once you have a bunch of money, what or where do you spend it on?
--Since you have entered Maroon, you cannot change your starter weapons.
---Unless you RP about getting new ones or buy new ones.
-To buy an item: Go to a shop's Topic and reply saying "I want to buy an item"
--Add it to your "Character Stats"

Got an item you wanna sell?
-You can reply to a shop and sell an item.
--You get half the price it was originally
-You can sell or give it to a friend
-Or you can create your own shop.

Wanna set up your own shop?
Quote :
Finish the "Begginner's Mission" to find out how to create your own Shop.

Cashier: I think that's all you need to know about shopping. If i think of anything else i'll be letting you know.

That's it!! My lecture is complete! Now go back to this link and post that 'you understand' these info guides! Go Here!

Last edited by Ray Shirim on Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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