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 About General MM's Tent (Click here first!!)

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
About General MM's Tent (Click here first!!) Left_bar_bleue14/50About General MM's Tent (Click here first!!) Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

About General MM's Tent (Click here first!!) Empty
PostSubject: About General MM's Tent (Click here first!!)   About General MM's Tent (Click here first!!) Icon_minitimeMon Feb 16, 2009 3:20 pm

*General MM welcomes you into his tent with a warm welcome. He tells you to have a seat as he has a few of his servants prepare food and drink.

"Now about my tent: Announcment's, Rules, and Updates are posted here in General MM's tent. As a new member of Maroon or as a veteran member, i suggest watching for new topics/replies to this area. In all of Maroon Announcements, stickies, and occasionally some non-sticky/-announcement topics are color coded. Each one means something different.

Red= Announcements
Light Blue= Constant Updation Threads
yellow= Rules/Regulations/ 'How to's'

Use the above key to remember what's what in my tent!

Now If you have just arrived at the Maroon Shrine Then you are going to want to visit these topics to understand the Rules and the basics of Maroon.

#1.)Main Rules of the site
#2.)How to battle in Maroon
#3.)A little history about Maroon(Imporant to understand the basics of what Maroon is)

Those are the most key imporant topics you should read. Everything else is optional as a new member, but when you get used to the World of Maroon, visit back and read them. =)

Read the above? YOU CAN START YOUR FIRST QUEST!!!(click here!)

Always remember, if you have any questions just PM me (Ray) or any of the other admins around! Now go start your adventure in Maroon!

Oh and one last thing....Maroon needs your help....It's dying as we speak. Ask around and see what you can do to help revive it when you enter Marotropolis. Good luck!
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About General MM's Tent (Click here first!!)
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