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 Tips/Guidelines to Roleplay

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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PostSubject: Tips/Guidelines to Roleplay   Tips/Guidelines to Roleplay Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 2:16 pm

When you are here on Maroon, Role Playing (RP) is a big part of the site. But it's important to know the best way to Role Play so everyone else can understand what you're Role Playing. Below are some great tips from the player behind Casperion in Renaissance Kingdoms.

Quote :
In view of a good-to-see increase in our Role Play, here are some Role Play Tips

R espect. Respect the other RPers, respect the topic. Don't kill off other characters in RP without their permission and listen to the RP starter.

O riginality. Be original and creative. Don't copy - you are your own character, you are unique.

L iteracy. Be literate. This means u dun typ lyk dis. And proofread your story before submitting it.

E ngage in the action. don't be growing tomatoes in Madrid when everyone else is slaying bears in California.

Practice makes perfect and it makes you become a better RPer. Don't be discouraged.

L evel. Know what your abilities and limits are and join an RP suitable for you.

A ctive. Be active. By joining in an RP you be come obliged - reply when it is your turn, not one month later. You don't want to be the one that kills the RP because you didn't post. Equally, respect that RPers may well live in a different time zone to you and be patient for a reply - they could well be 12 hours ahead, or behind, you in real life.

Y ou become an integral part of the RP when you join it - you play a character who interacts with others. You are the protagonist - act like one. Take charge - do what you would do, and don't act like an insignificant sidekick. Show what you can do.

I dentify the difference between speech and actions. It is very muddly to read a thread that does not distinguish between saying and doing. Use colours, <<symbols>> or italics, or other means, to show them apart.

N ote that OOC conversations are best kept to a minimum because they can clutter the threads. Only use them if absolutely necessary. If you have to use OOC comments in RP, please reduce the font size.

G od-modding should be avoided and is frowned upon by others in the RP. Total invincibility is poor character development as are forced actions which in effect, amounts to writing the other player's character without their consent. If handled properly, though, it can be a useful tool, if carried out with permission of the owner of the character.

More information and help can be found here:

Quote :
The other day, I heard some very inspirational words from Ted Hughes, a famous British poet and prose writer. This is what he had to say about writing stories and I think it holds very true for writing in Role Play. If you read it a couple of times, maybe it will inspire you to have a go, like it has done for me. I hope so. Here it is:-

Imagine what you are writing about. See it and live it. Do not think laboriously, as if your were working out mental arithmetic. Just look at it, touch it, smell it, listen to it, turn yourself into it. When you do, the words look after themselves like magic . . . You keep your eyes, your ears, your nose, your taste, your touch, your whole being on the thing you are turning into words . . . So you keep going as long as you can, then look back and see what you have written . . . You will have captured a spirit, a creature.

Try it, it works!

Us Admins would love to see everyone RP'ing to their best ability. Although it isn't required it is Highly Highly Recommended and Encouraged that you follow the tips above. =)

(Credit for Finding these tips go to Teh_Uber)
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