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Banishment Empty
PostSubject: Banishment   Banishment Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 9:59 am

Chapter 1

As the gods where arguing over who would become the king of the gods, one of the gods was busy trying to gain power. This god in particular had a "gift" and it was a horrible gift. His gift was the ability to steal the life force of a person by drinking their blood, and not leaving just an ounce of blood left would increase his power so much more if he sucked them dry of all the blood in a humans body. The gods that were arguing had stopped for a moment to take a break and to come up with a way to convince each other why he or she should become the king or queen god of all the other gods when they noticed that the there was a god missing and they knew then that it was not a good sign and they made a search for him but he could not be found in the house of the gods, (they all thought the same thing, why would any god in their right mind would leave the house of gods) so they went to see a mystical seer, one of the lower gods and she showed them where he had gone and about the awful truth of the gift that this god had and of what he was doing with this gift behind their backs.
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Banishment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banishment   Banishment Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 9:59 am

Chapter 2

They sought to his immediate attention and hence fourth banished him from the realm of gods and he was hence fourth cast from being a god and into what they considered to be a lesser being, a human. The very thing that he thought would make him stronger so that he could become the king of gods and rule over everything in the universe. All of the gods thought this was a good punishment for him, to make him what he was using as subjects for obtaining power, to make him feel as the humans feel, because gods do not feel pain, suffering, or sorrow/grief. On the day of his sentencing to what the gods thought would be the greatest punishment of all punishments, then it all happened, everything went wrong. His god to human transformation did not go well because he had already consumed too much power that he could not take in a human form, and once the gods begin this process of the transfer they can not stop until it is completely finished. The gods tried and tried to strip him of his power during the process but could not. So they had no choice but to make him a more advanced human and thus a vampire was born, and so he then got the name Leda.
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Banishment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banishment   Banishment Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 10:00 am

Chapter 3

A vampire is stronger and faster then all normal human beings and most of all a vampire has eternal life. The vampire was also cast out of the human society because of how Leda looked and acted and because he was better than them so he thus continued on the path of power and started sucking the blood from humans and found out that he became more powerful and continued his path of power hoping to be able to become a god again. Leda then learned of a new world the world of Maroon. He had no idea on how to get to this world but he knew that he had to get to this world no matter what he would have to go through to get into this world. All he knew was that this could be a lead to get back into the realm of the gods to get his revenge on those who banished him. He then set out to search for information. He was so glad that the gods would be unaware of everything he did.
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Banishment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banishment   Banishment Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 10:01 am

Chapter 4
Flashback On The Conditions

“Flashback” When he was being transferred into a human and the gods could not completely perform the task to reduce him to nothing they had to agree to his terms. To successfully pull it off they technically had to do it twice and once the process fails once the victim is allowed to choose what he wants from them except for remaining a god, so he chose for them not to be able to find him after they would cast him out of the realm of gods, and they agreed not knowing he would still be able to use his “gift.”
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Banishment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banishment   Banishment Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 10:02 am

Chapter 5

He then found out that the world of Maroon was created by these beings called ancients. He spent all of his time trying to find out who or what these ancients were, then he came upon a book in a tomb, he had searched and searched and finally it all paid off he came upon the tomb to an ancient, so he went into the tomb and found the book. Apparently for there to be any life to be able to go to the world of Maroon there had to be at least one ancient that would have to make a portal to earth, in the book there was a journal section that had only the last entry left in it. “I have made a portal on an unknown planet and this planet is the only planet with the most life forces that I have been able to detect, but the beings here have a very weak life force. I found out that this planet is called earth and that the beings here are called humans. Humans are a weak race and would probably not last one day in Maroon, but none the less I was ordered to make a portal on the planet with the most life forces because the crystal would not be able to make a portal on a planet with so many life forces, but weak ones at that. I have a theory that this is due to the fact that there are so many life forces but they are so weak that the crystal could not detect it, I know that the crystal made a portal on a lot of planets but this planet may not have been worthy enough for the crystal to even bother with making a portal. Humans are not the only race on this planet I have found other beings on this planet, there are actually a variety of races here and some are very powerful.”
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Banishment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banishment   Banishment Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 10:02 am

Chapter 6
Researching The Portal

Leda then became very interested in how to get to this world. Leda spent another month researching all of the documents and records that this ancient left behind. Finally he found it, the information on the portal. He found out that it can be created or it can be found. Leda looked into this further and decided that it would be very difficult to try either one, but it would be a bit easier to create it rather than to go out and search for something that would be almost impossible to find without any hint or indication of where to even begin searching. The documents that showed how to open the portal were going to be difficult. Creating a portal was actually so much more difficult to do then to set out and search for it, but it was the only thing that would be possible to pull off because there were no hints of where the portal might be located.
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Banishment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banishment   Banishment Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 10:03 am

Chapter 7

The Ritual itself would be very difficult for Leda because it had to be done perfectly but he knew it was the only way he could become more powerful. Ok for the first step there must be a harvest moon (where the moon turns red) and once there is a harvest moon then the being doing the summoning must send forth a beam of light straight at the Harvest moon. The beam of light will then be reflected and the light will go off into space like a shooting star. Then the summoner must not leave that spot for one week while maintaining the beam of light into the sky and towards the moon. This will cause the moon to not move as well and the planet will remain in darkness, not total darkness however for the light will act as the light of the bright moon when it is not in its harvest state. Then after one whole week the light will vanish no matter what the summoner does and then a meteor will fall from the moon and the being trying to open a portal must be able to stop the meteor before it crosses where the summoner had to stay for a week because it will cause the ritual to cancel itself. Leda did all of this and then jumped into the sky and held onto the meteor using all of his strength and energy towards stopping the meteor. He was a mile away from ruining the entire ritual, when he finally got his feet on the ground which helped him to stop the meteor. He finally came to a stop, exactly one inch away from the spot that he could not pass. Leda feeling relieved continued on with the ritual. Leda pulled out a knife and slashed his hand and spilled his blood onto the meteor. Then out of the maroon meteor came a light and it kept growing and growing. Finally the portal was complete, Leda without hesitation jumped in and little did he know that in the portal one month turned out to be centuries (note that the portal takes 30 days to get through going by earth’s time). In the portal one second turned out to be one hundred years in earth time. The caster of the portal then simply takes a journey into hell because the portal actually takes one month to get through into Maroon. In this month the person is slowly getting his power ripped right out of his body and is very painful. The other problem is that there is no guarantee that you will even be able to reach Maroon. As your power is ripped right from your body, if you do not have enough power to keep yourself alive then before you arrive in Maroon you will simply die.
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Banishment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banishment   Banishment Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 10:03 am

Chapter 8
Portal Of Hell

It was pure agony; Leda himself could not bear the pain that was involved. Once a god and yet this is nothing that he has ever felt before in his life or even at all. He felt himself grow weaker and weaker as the time passed on. The time in the portal is also very different then the time in reality. In the portal one second is like ten years in reality, and thirty days of this is pure hell. Leda felt like he would not survive, but then remembered that this all had a reason behind it, he was going to get revenge and was not going to die without doing so. Leda now endured it like it was the only thing keeping him from reaching his goal. Leda fought with all of his soul to keep sane and to keep alive at all costs. Finally it was the last day that he had to go through but still that would be centuries to him, and yet he went on never losing hope. At last only ten years to go (one second in reality) he had done it he had lasted this long and would not die as long as he fulfilled his dreams of revenge.
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Banishment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banishment   Banishment Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 10:04 am

Chapter 9

Leda arrived in the world of Maroon and he was suffering the travel to Maroon had almost killed him. He had to find something to drink. He needed to start by finding something weak, to easily steal its power and then work his way up to become strong again. Leda set out in search of power and then one day came where he simple just vanished and no one heard of him again but it is said that he is still out there somewhere, having all his power restored just waiting for the next moment to make his appearance.

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Banishment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Banishment   Banishment Icon_minitime

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