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 Ancient Book of Maroon

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Number of posts : 839
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PostSubject: Ancient Book of Maroon   Ancient Book of Maroon Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2008 6:51 am

*on General MM's desk there is a very old book*

[Player]: MM what's that book?

MM: Oh i see you found it ^^

[Player]: -,- it was right there

MM: well...uh...yes... anyways!!! Please take a look inside, it tells you a little bit about the world of Maroon.

[Player]Only a little?

MM: yes...the World of Maroon is too vast to write a book about everything

[Player] Do i have to read all of it!!!!!!!!!!????

MM: HECK NO!! ( i havn't even passed the first 2 pages) Just flip to these page numbers:


1............The Maroon Shrines
386............The World of Maroon
>the people
>the cities
>the monsters
2342.............The Legends
>The Shrines of Time
>7 Sacred Blades

Last edited by Ray Shirim on Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:43 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
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Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Ancient Book of Maroon Left_bar_bleue14/50Ancient Book of Maroon Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ancient Book of Maroon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ancient Book of Maroon   Ancient Book of Maroon Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2008 9:02 am

Pg 1
The Maroon Shrines

"In the beginning of time a hundred large crystal asteroids hit several planets including earth. The crystals came from a planet other than the earth and those planets, and all of them contained magical properties. The crystals were a portal to that other world. On Earth, over time the large crytals were shaped into archs and many natives worshiped them as shrines created by ultimate beings.
Some people dissapered on the spot as they worshiped the shrine. Where did they go?

To the world of Maroon: that's where. The shrines are also on Maroon, being a link from each world. But as there is about 100 on earth there is only about 5 left on Maroon. Getting into Maroon is easy, getting back out is the hard part.

The shrines are also a time warper. People who fall into the portal of the shrine don't always get to Maroon right away. Some get stuck into the dimension between worlds for 1000 years and then they arrive in Maroon. Others will get to go back in time in the world of Maroon. It's all a matter of chance, and wherever you go, it can affect the world on a whole."

(Note: If you were to go back in time from the other members you could do things that would disrupt the era that they were currently living in... like take over a part of the World. Then the other members would have to react to that)

The color of the shrines are always a crystal maroon color

Last edited by Ray Shirim on Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
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Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ancient Book of Maroon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ancient Book of Maroon   Ancient Book of Maroon Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2008 12:40 pm

Pg 386
The World of Maroon

The People
All throughout Maroon there are various races. From Gorons to Elves, from Demon possessed humans to Orcs, from aztec natives to cyborgs. Maroon is a place where there it vasts in diversity. With so many coming into this world because of the Maroon Shrines (see pg 1) they bring their culture with them. In Maroon organizations have formed to help newcomers find friends of the same race as themselves.

Before the Maroon Shrines however, it is told that the dominating race was a group of powerful magic users who decided to bring worlds together onto one planet. Whether they were human, elf, demon, or one knows. It is one of the many mysteries of Maroon.

Maroon has opportunities for everyone. Here's a very very small list

Bounty Hunter
Join the Military/Armed Forces
[and as many more as you can think of]

So one can get a job for their basic needs and live life to the fullest in Maroon!

The cities of Maroon

Since Maroon is such a big world there is yet to be cities to be founded, but the biggest city that everyone should visit is Marotropolis.

Marotropolis is a GIANT city filled with various technologies mixed with medieval architecture. Here one can meet many people of their own race, join a guild, form alliances, hold secret meetings, and plenty more!!!!!!!!!!!

The 2nd biggest city is Tiokian. It's a giant city, a little smaller than Marotropolis but has the same things to offer. Except the technology is more medieval. No high tech stuff like Marotropolis

The Monsters

Curiously just like how different people can enter Maroon, so can different monsters. In this case, be prepared to face familar monsters or foes from your planet, as well as monsters you've never seen or heard of before.

Last edited by Ray Shirim on Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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RP Level:
Ancient Book of Maroon Left_bar_bleue14/50Ancient Book of Maroon Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ancient Book of Maroon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ancient Book of Maroon   Ancient Book of Maroon Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2008 6:24 pm

pg 2342
The Legends of Maroon

The Shrines of Time
Long ago the creators of the Maroon Shrines knew that other worlders would be transported to various ages of Maroon itself, so they created Shrines that would link to the past, the present, and the future of Maroon. The shrines themselves are made out of the same Maroon crystal that the Maroon Shrines are made out of. The Shrines of time are heavily guarded by fierce creatures, ancient magic, and traps of all kinds. Additionally the shrines are very few in numbers. About 12 total. The oddest thing though is that once you use a Time Shrine the user cannot reenter the same Time Shrine twice. Where these Shrines of Time are located, no one knows for sure.

7 Sacred Blades
The gods watched the ancient beings as they created the world of Maroon. The gods thought that the world was amazing and each god wanted to rule over it. While they were fighting overhead, the ancient beings intervened with a suggestion. The suggestion was to have each of the gods duel each other in a swordsmatch. The winner would get to rule over Maroon. Up to the challenge each god crafted a brand new sword, and then they etched into each blade thier powers to aid them in battle. The ancient beings hosted the battle on Maroon, and in doing so they led the gods in a trap. The ancients disarmed the gods of their sacred blades and told them that fighting would not solve anything. The gods were furious that these beings would mess with them like that. But the Ancient Beings told them that the creatures of this planet would rule this planet alone. In the end somehow, the gods agreed, and the Ancient Beings continued on with the creation of Maroon.

The Seven Sacred Blades have been scattered around Maroon. Supposedly whoever finds all seven wields the power of the 7 gods who created the blades.
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PostSubject: Re: Ancient Book of Maroon   Ancient Book of Maroon Icon_minitime

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