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 Shadow Wars

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Shadow Wars Empty
PostSubject: Shadow Wars   Shadow Wars Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 11:03 pm

Long before humans ever came to be there were two races that dwelt among the vast lands of the hell zone. The land is scared from battle between these two races. Vampires and werewolves. These two races have been fighting a bloody war for a very long time. Both are equal in strength. Vampires are fast, strong, intelligent, and powerful in the art of black magic. Werewolves over time have gained the ability to transform at will, however, they are still most powerful when the full moon is out. They can perform small changes as well. For example, they can increase their muscle mass without completely being covered in fur and changing facial appearance. 1000 years have passed and Humans are now inhabiting the land. None have ever gone to the hell zone because of the curse they believe resides there. All of that is about to change. Everything that is known is about to change. A dark Vampire that has risen to great heights has made a very grave mistake, or has he?

Zero stood in front of a group of vampires. He glanced around at the vampires glaring at him. The vampire king Glordok asked, "Why have you betrayed your family? Why have you given the werewolves information oon us?" Zero smirked, "Because you are all weak. You, them, all of you are weak and I wanted to make things a little more interesting around here." The kind stared in fury, "you arrogant boy! KILL HIM!" Zero smirked and in a flash of darkness he vanished.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Shadow Wars Left_bar_bleue14/50Shadow Wars Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Shadow Wars Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow Wars   Shadow Wars Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 11:16 pm

A boy of 10 years sat in a pitch-black alley way. He was listening to his iPod and sorting through a bag of stuff. He chewed on a chocolate chip cookie as he took out the items from his bag. Some garlic in zip-lock bags, some dart guns equipped with the ability to put anything to sleep, a rope, a hand-mirror, a wrap of bandages, flasks of blood, a spice kit, some bread, and a box that when opened...smelled of cat.

The boy checked his items and put his stuff in the bag. He wore a red scarf, black sunglasses, and a red hat. His clothes consisted of a long-sleeve button-up shirt with bandages completely wrapped around his body underneath. He wore a large cross as a necklace. On his hands were black leather gloves. He wore jeans that fit well, and he wore tennis shoes.

He took from his pocket another cookie and ate it as he headed onto a busy street of Desed City.
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Shadow Wars Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow Wars   Shadow Wars Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 11:27 pm

Zero sprinted through a long passage way. He panted as he came across an oppening with 7 different paths. He quickly glanced back and saw figures approaching rapidly. His eyes narrowed. "Damn they are persistent. I can't go outside into the daylight without anything to cover myself with. So I'll have to go to the storage." Zero Sprinted forward through a passage to the left. he ran for a few minutes and stopped at a door to the right. He mumbled something and unlocked the door with some magic. He entered it and looked around. Zero smiled when he opened a chest and found what he was looking for. The shadow gear.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Shadow Wars Left_bar_bleue14/50Shadow Wars Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Shadow Wars Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow Wars   Shadow Wars Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 11:33 pm

The kid walked until he found a trash can. Reaching inside the trash can he pulled out a skateboard.

He threw it onto the ground and then skated down hill. Off in the distance was a huge gate. The kid got to the gate and he leaned up against the wall. There were guards at the gate, so like always he needed a distraction.

He pulled out his phone and called up his friend. His friend lived on the street across from the gate, so it made things easy. Another 10year old threw a water balloon at the guard guarding the gate. The guard didn't flinch, and he didn't move. Dissapointed the other 10 year old kid came down. Then he went up to the guard and stepped on his foot...then ran away.The guard got angry at that so he chased after the kid.

The other kid, with the silver hair under his hat and sunglasses quickly climbed the gate and jumped over to the other side.
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Shadow Wars Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow Wars   Shadow Wars Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 11:49 pm

Zero chuckled. "Fools just leave this here without any sort of protection." He quickly took off his clothes and put on the black clothing. The shadow gear was made out of a very tough fabric that was light but very resistant to a "normal" attack. He then went over to the wall where a large black robe was hung. he swiped it off the hook and threw it on. He smiled and looked around the room. "Hmm where are some gloves? . . . Ah! There!" Zero walked over to a desk and opened a drawer. He pulled out black gloves made of the same fabric as the shadow gear. Zero went to the door and slowly put the hood up over his head. He ran out of the room and went to the entrance to the entire tunnel system of the vampire race. Vampires came up from behind and tried to grab him. Zero jumped forward and spun around blasting at the floor and then the door to the tunnels. He lunged forward out into the sunlight. The vampires ran forward and when the sunlight hit them they screamed in pain and jumped back into the darkness.


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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Shadow Wars Left_bar_bleue14/50Shadow Wars Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Shadow Wars Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow Wars   Shadow Wars Icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2010 10:29 am

The other side of the gate smelled of death, decay, flesh, rotting corpses, and of roses.

The kid walked over to a flower bed of roses. He stuck his fingers below the bed and lifted up a compartment. He took out a watering can and then closed the compartment.

Walking into a forest he headed towards a stream. He knelt down and put the watering can into the stream onto a rock below the surface. The watering can filled up with water and above the kid a branch fell down to the ground.

He took the branch and the watering can and went back to the bed of roses. He opened the compartment below the bed of roses again, and he pulled the branch a part. Inside was a key. He used the water inside the compartment and dirt dissolved around a metal box. He took the box and opened it with the key.

Inside was a single katana with its sheath and a belt. The katana's handle was wrapped in red ribbon, and in japanese on the blade was written, "Radiance"

He took the belt and wrapped it around his waist. He then closed the compartment after putting the branch into the box and the box into the compartment. Taking the watering can he watered his plants.

He opened the compartment one more time and put the watering can away.

He stood up and then walked into the woods.
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Shadow Wars Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow Wars   Shadow Wars Icon_minitimeFri Aug 06, 2010 9:48 pm

(I think I miss posted the last two but anyways I got this shadow gear and now im outside >.>)

Zero ran away from the cave entrance that was carved into the side of a giant cliff edge. he ran across the desert ground until the desert abrubtly ended with a vast tropical forest. It was as if the land had been litterely divided in two between death and life.

Zero ran through the tree line and slowed to a walk. He kept his skin from meeting any sort of sun light shining through the trees.
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Shadow Wars Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shadow Wars   Shadow Wars Icon_minitime

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