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 Save the World(StW): Street Bout

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Save the World(StW): Street Bout Left_bar_bleue14/50Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeFri Jan 28, 2011 9:59 pm

January 1st, 2013: 10A.M.

He stood in the middle of the street looking up ahead at his target. His hands were at his sides, unclenched and relaxed. His index finger twitched, the fingerless gloves not providing enough warmth in the 13 degree weather of winter. It was starting to snow, and snowflakes fell on his leather jacket. One fell into his eye and he took a hand and brought it up to his eye. He rubbed his eye and then put his hand down quickly.

He stepped forward and readied himself, keeping one knee bent and the other leg ready to jump forward. His arms were outspread, waiting for his opponent to reach him. His opponent was a large dark beast. It was a mix between a lion and a bull. The speed and legs of a lion, but the body and tail of a bull. He stared at its odd head that held red eyes. He couldn't pull away from those red eyes and soon they were upon him.

The beast launched itself, and inches away from its target a light flashed and it was blown back by the force. The beast rolled on the ground as it landed and then got back up again. It ran again towards its foe.

He put out his hand again. He reached up high and let it fall. Then he used both of his hands and extended them out away from him. There, where he made his hand motions were barriers of light. They were little shields or forcefields that he created. The beast tried charging again and he held out his hands on the edges of the large square barrier he had in front of him. As soon as the beast was about to hit the wall he created he placed down three other barriers to surround the beast. In doing so he had it trapped.

"Well that wasn't too hard. Now to finish you off." He jumped into the air and over the beast's cage. He threw a kunai at the beast's head and it entered through its skull and to the ground below it. The beast erupted into a dark fog when it was pierced. Its killer landed on the ground beside it and let down the forcefields he had placed. He went back over and picked up his single Kunai.

"Hmm I might need more than one of these." He said as he saw several creatures similar to the last one, but smaller in size appear onto the street.
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Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 10:54 am

Jason yawned as he slept inside of an abandoned shack. He had gotten used to the noises that those pathetic creatures made and slept right through all the commotion outside. Screams could be heard but Jason was feeling tired so he continued to sleep.

After about 12 hours of sleep Jason woke up and stretched. As he did so he yawned loudly and went to his pile of clothes. He pulled a pair of skinny black jeans on and some ankle socks. He then sat down and pulled on his converse shoes, tied the strings and pulled his jeans over the top of them.

As he went to pick up his shirt a large wolf type creature busted through the door and growled at him. Jason sighed and kicked up a metal rod off of the ground and into his hands. The wolf charged and Jason swung the rod around and struck the wolf over the head and sent him flying back out of the door. The wolf re-entered more pissed then ever. Jason chuckled slightly, partially due to a hint of insanity, and spun the rod around between his fingers. The rod stopped and he grabbed onto it. There was a click as he rotated the rod.

The end of the rod opened and two rectangular blocks rose out of it. Once they came all the way out they broke off and snapped to the side of the rod. It was now a T shape with the rectangular blocks much shorter then the rod. Out of the blocks a gigantic blade shot out and became a huge broadsword. Jason smiled and slashed as the wolf jumped forward. It burst into a black smoke and then vanished. His sword shape-shifted again back into the single rod.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Save the World(StW): Street Bout Left_bar_bleue14/50Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 11:13 am

There were three of them this time, two like a wolf-like nature and the other one like a cat. The cat was very fast, and he had trouble blocking it. The wolf-like creatures kept prowling around him and trying to bit his legs or hands.

Finally, he took out a chain and attached his single Kunai onto it. He then launched it at one of the wolf-like creatures and the creature turned into that shadowy mist when it made contact in its head.

The cat-like creature tried to climb onto him when he was in the middle of throwing the chain, but he jumped out of the way and whipped his chain behind him as the other wolf -like creature tried to attack him. He was able to defeat that one, and finally focus on the cat.

The cat tried launching itself again, but he was too fast because his chain entered the heart of the cat right when it pounced into the air. It dissolved into a shadowy mist again.

He then wrapped his chain and ran up the street.
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Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 4:19 pm

Jason laughed joyfully as he slaughtered the shadow creatures with ease. It was sort of weird today because of how easy the slaughtering was. Normally it takes a lot more effort to kill the beasts but maybe he had a lucky break and they were simply low level virmin. Jason saw Shadow running towards him and he gut a great idea. Jason transformed into a fake shadow creature and jumped out to surprise Shadow.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Save the World(StW): Street Bout Left_bar_bleue14/50Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2011 6:43 pm

As he ran up the street to get to his apartment he saw another shadow creature come out of nowhere. He flipped over it and landed.

"I don't feel like dealing with you." He kept on running and called back to the shadow creature.
"Go find some rich person to attack! I'll come back and deal with you then!"

He kept on running and turned a corner. He then ran down this street to his apartment. He checked in with the tenant.

"Surprised your still around!"

The cranky old woman looked at him and sneered.

"Shadow. Smile lady, no point dying with a frown."

"I won't die you fool." She gave him his key and Shadow ran up stairs. Then he ran up another and another flight. To the fifth floor he went, out of twelve flights.

Then he unlocked his door to his one room apartment. It had a bed and a small desk, all neatly organized with totes and boxes with folders and things. His clothes were stored in a closet and a dresser.

"Okay! Home sweet home! But I got to quickly go. Let's see. I'll need this, this.." Shadow dropped the bag he had on and took out some things. Then he went around and got a water canteen, a camera, a blanket, his empty wallet, and a few other things.

"Okay! All set! Now... Hmm. Oh yeah!" Shadow went over to his closet and pulled out a wooden pole. It basically served as a hiking staff for a long time. But he had other plans for it.

"Hahaha! All set now!" He hummed a tune and went down the flights of stairs and the old lady asked where he was going.

"I'm going to go pay the rent!" With that he headed outside his apartment.
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Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeSun Jan 30, 2011 6:54 pm

Jason transformed back into his former body and fell to the floor laughing his head off. For some odd reason he found, Shadow flying over his head and his remark while doing so to be hysterical. After he had finished his laugh he realized that he had better get back to his little shack and finish getting dressed.

Jason walked through his broken down door and bent over putting it back into place. The temporary door satisfied Jason and he went to go pick up his belt. He slid the belt through each loop and then fastened it. Then he picked up another one, put it through two loops, and just wrapped the rest around. The belt hung down quite a bit and just below his right pants pocket. There was a clamp fastened to it located between where his hip pocket was and back pocket was.

Jason carefully placed his shifter rod into the clamp until it snapped. The rod hung loosely from it. Satisfied he pulled on a white beater and just left his black shirt on the floor. He sat down on a dirty and torn up old chair and mumbled.

"I wonder if Gwyn is doing ok"
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Save the World(StW): Street Bout Left_bar_bleue14/50Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeSun Jan 30, 2011 7:43 pm

When he went outside he looked up and down the street he lived on. Things seemed pretty calm, there weren't too many shadow creatures running about, only a few here and there. The shadow creatures preyed more on human beings than causing destruction.

"For an invasion, it sure doesn't seem as dramatic as they make out in movies and stuff. If you can call this an invasion." Shadow started walking down the street back the way he came. He wanted to see if that one shadow creature he talked to might actually take his advice.

Even if it didn't, he could beat up the creature for the heck of it. One less shadow creature in the world to worry about!

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Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeTue Feb 01, 2011 8:39 pm

Jason decided it was time to get up and head out. He needed to go find some for food supplies, seeing as he was quite low on them. Then he heard a noise outside.

"What the hell?"

Jason got up and grabbed his shirt off of the floor. He slipped it over his head and his white beater stuck out of the bottom because his shirt was torn off at the end. He walked over to the door and grabbed his black zip up hoodie off of the wall and put it on.

Jason walked outside and began to cautiously walk down the street to the source of the noise.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Save the World(StW): Street Bout Left_bar_bleue14/50Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 10:28 am

Shadow heard a big -THUD- and a large piercing cry around the corner of the street he was on. He headed towards the noise and there in the middle of the street was a large winged shadow creature. It looked like a snake with wings and feet. It had no arms and it was all black.

"Well that's a beaut...I wonder if its head has a price... Hmmm." He took out his camera and started taking pictures. Then he ran up close to it to take more. The flash brought the attention of the creature to Shadow.

"Uh-oh!" The creature whipped its tail around at Shadow, forcing Shadow to create a shield. But the force of the tail broke through and Shadow was sent flying. Luckily he had kept his camera safe.
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Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 7:15 pm

Jason walked around the corner and WHAM. A hurrling body smashed into him and he hit the ground hard. He rolled over mumbling and rubbing his head.

"Dammmmmmmmn that hurrrrrrrrrrrt"

Jason was water-eyed as he tried to figure out what had happened and where he was, even who he was. He was confused so much and his head throbbed with pain.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Save the World(StW): Street Bout Left_bar_bleue14/50Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeWed Feb 02, 2011 8:20 pm

Shadow got up and looked at what he flew into. He noticed...he flew into a person. And it was someone he knew!

"Opps! Sorry Jason! Uh, you okay?Hehheh...:" He held out a hand to help Jason up.
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Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeSat Feb 05, 2011 7:24 pm

Jason saw Shadow hold out his hand. Jason took up the offer and as soon as their hands met there was a spark. The spark of a powerful bond; friendship. Something that is not easily broken nor created.

Jason smiled at his insane timing of emotional thought and said, "Well well well, it seems best friends always run into each other or in this case fly through the air and crash into me"
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Save the World(StW): Street Bout Left_bar_bleue14/50Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeTue Feb 08, 2011 7:13 pm

"True dat." Shadow chuckled and turned around, looking at the beast. It was coming towards them again.

"I know you know how to fight Jason. Let's take out its wings." Shadow ran towards the creature and as it tried to chomp onto Shadow, Shadow jumped onto its mouth. Then he jumped again, flipping onto the creatures back. He took out his chain and attached it to his kunai and his wooden pole. Then he swirled the chain around and launched it at the creature's right wing. He then pulled it out as it went straight through. In doing so he created a larger hole. But the hole...closed back up in its shadowy darkness.

The creature circled high up in the air and Shadow had to hold onto the creature. It came around again and tried to attack Jason. As it did so Shadow ran to the creature's neck and wrapped his chain around its snout, shutting the creature's mouth.

"Hop on Jason!"
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Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeTue Feb 08, 2011 9:19 pm

Jason nodded and agreed. He didn't even look at shadow as he headed for the beast to keep his concentration up. Manipulating two things at once was a difficult task even for the most skilled of shape shifters.

Jason ran forward twisted his foot at a 90 degree angle and lunged to the right, he flipped a few times and then his legs shifted into the legs of a kangaroo. He used them and shot off of the ground and into the air. His legs shifted back and the wings of a flying squirrel spread out so that he could glide along the wind.

He saw Shadow jump onto the creatures mouth and dove in for the attack. He pulled out his rod and the end split apart and the giant broad sword shot out once again. He spun and sliced the wing off as it jumped into the air. When Jason looked back the beast was in the air with Shadow on it's back.

The wing was still attached.

"What the hell?"

After losing concentration for a moment he heard Shadow say "hop on" When they got low enough Jason leaped into the air and the end of his rod twisted and the end shot off towards Shadow with a chain coming out of no where from the inside. Jason watched as Shadow grabbed ahold of the end and yanked on it; pulling Jason onto the creatures back.

With the other end of his rod he stabbed it into the creatures back and inside it split open and acted as a hook so that Jason could hold on to something. The chain retracted and the end snapped closed.

Jason let out a breath, he was getting tired and fast.Shape shifting was one thing but shifting an object was a whole different ball game.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Save the World(StW): Street Bout Left_bar_bleue14/50Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitimeWed Feb 09, 2011 2:29 pm

"We'll have to attack its vitals! Either its heart or head!" Shadow's chain was starting to dig into his own hands as he tried to hold on tight to the creature's neck. He tried pulling onto the creature to bring it up from hitting a building, but it took matters into it's own power.

It veered to the left and circled around like it was chasing its tail, trying to shake off the people on its back. Shadow fell off and held on tightly to his chain. The chain dug into the creature's neck and the creature's head sunk to the ground.
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Save the World(StW): Street Bout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Save the World(StW): Street Bout   Save the World(StW): Street Bout Icon_minitime

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