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 Deorio's Profile

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PostSubject: Deorio's Profile   Deorio's Profile Icon_minitimeThu Jan 29, 2009 5:26 pm

Deorio's Profile Falconer+-+Among+Beggars+And+Thieves

Name: Deorio
Race: Human
Age: 30

Under the bandages he is quite athletic. He carries two short daggers with him and a small pistol. He's quite handy in the way of explosives so be warned if he whips a few of those out.

Bio: Deorio crawled the streets of Maroon ever since he was a kid. Picking out the scraps. He watched a kid 8 years older than him become very rich. One day he tried to kill the kid out of jeolousy. The kid outsmarted him and Deorio was back on the streets paralyzed for 3 months. Ever since then Deoiro could remember the last words that kid told him. "Only fools leave an opponent alive. I am no fool, I leave the weak alive so they can try again. Next time, don't dissapoint me" Deorio has been trying to hurt Cashier ever since. An endless battle between the two. Except Cashier is always ready so it's not much of a battle.

Deorio doesn't like to lose, and he ends up hurting himself a lot. He can be rather clumsy which makes him a weaker fighter. He has a bunch of odd trades that you wouldn't think he would have. Such as how to work a computer, build a roof out of twigs and sticks, make a fire with just two sticks, and hotwire a car.
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