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 Quest and Event FAQ #1

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Number of posts : 839
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PostSubject: Quest and Event FAQ #1   Quest and Event FAQ #1 Icon_minitimeThu May 29, 2008 2:52 pm

Cashier: Quests will be you greatest source of Gold and Exp. There's many quests out there, and that's why I divided it up in four types.

Type 1:
Quote :
Type 1 quests are the type that are posted on Quest Logs around Maroon. It's kind of obvious when it's a quest log cause it's basically one big list of quests. All you have to do is go and complete the quest, come back and tell the owner of the quest log that you completed the quest. You get an award, the person who gave you the quest has their job done, and everyone's happy.

Type 2:
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Type 2 quests are guild given quests. When a guild goes out to complete a quest they have to make sure that when they do their quest, they mark on the topic title who's Guild is completing the quest.

Type 3:
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Type 3 quests are quests you create yourself. Now when it comes to creating quests yourself it normally follows along whatever storyline your RP'ing.

Ex: If MM was walking a long searching for his long lost brother, and all of a sudden some lady asked him to kill some monster that was attacking the town, that would count as a quest.
BUT!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember to keep whatever the reward is fair. If anything just take exp for yourself. Type 3 quests are pretty free-lanced so don't abuse that freedom. If you wanna be fair, the best thing you can do is look at actual quests.

Type 4:
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Type 4 quests are the MOST REWARDING of all other quests. In fact these quests have a completely different name to them. These quests are called: EVENTS. Events are large and usually will end up being a combination of 1 or more quests. In events most people have to end up facing a boss, which can be quite challenging.

Cashier: Now, one can also create a quest to add to the Quest logs. All you have to do is PM and Admin or a Moderator of that Quest log and tell them your ideas. It would be greatly appreciated if you put your quest idea in the same format as the others.

So how do you sign up for a quest???
>Just reply to the quest topic and say that your want to do that quest

How do you accomplish your quest?
>Do whatever the quest tells you to (normally you'll have to make a topic that tells ur adventure of ur quest)

How do you say that you completed your quest?
>Just reply to the quest topic and say that you completed it

So what if you want to do a quest with a friend?
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There's two ways to join up with a friend. 1 way is to sign up with them on the quest log and when you complete the quest you split the reward. Another way is if you team up during the quest (like if some random person jumps in and helps you out) If this happens the person who is actually doing the quest can either shove them away or let them help. In the end though the person who actually accepted the quest gets to split the prize, so it's up to them if the person who jumped in gets any or not.

Depending on the prize, the type of quest, and how many people did the quest affets the reward itself.

Quote :

The prize: Besides the prizes there should be a (#). That number signifies how many quantities of that item you get.

Ex: iron sword (4) 500 exp (3)

Type 1+3 Quests: These are quests that have a set value and are normally done alone. The reward is given as told.

Type 2 Quests: The Guild Leader is notified of a Guild Quest's completion. He distributes the reward to those who did the quest for his guild. Also the guild members who did that quest has the option of sharing their reward with the rest or certain members of the guild.

The guild Leader also has to notify the Admin of their Quest completion in their Guild Reports. THe admin will hand over exp to the guild which will lvl up the guild itself.

Type 4 quests: Events are AWESOME!! The prizes are given to EVERY Member who participates in them, even if the reward says:
500 exp(2) (if it says a number, you just get that much times the quantity. So in this case you'd get 1000 exp instead of 500. ;D)

Solo Quests: You get the rewards and you don't have to distribute them amongst others

Party Quests: With more than 1 person in ur team you have to split your rewards evenly amongst everyone who participated. Work it out amongst yourselves.

Cashier: WHOOOO!! that was a mouthful, well that's all i can think of about quests, i'll let you know if i think of anything else.

Last edited by mudkipmaster on Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:49 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Number of posts : 839
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Quest and Event FAQ #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest and Event FAQ #1   Quest and Event FAQ #1 Icon_minitimeThu May 29, 2008 5:05 pm

Other members can butt in on anyone's quests. The people who interfere with the quest can do anything they want. But now they have made themselves a part of the quest, whether hero or villain. So now the person who took up the quest has to react to the interference.

This makes things all a little more interesting... cause it's possible to have 2-22 people butt in on one quest.

To prevent it from getting out of hand however, the person who's doing the quest can tell people to 'Butt out" If they do this, that person can just do the quest w/o interference.
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Number of posts : 839
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Exp: 12170/13000
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Quest and Event FAQ #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest and Event FAQ #1   Quest and Event FAQ #1 Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2008 12:00 pm

Do all RP in the main forum for an area.

Go there to Rp about your quests, and your adventures.

For EVERY quest however, you have to make a new topic
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Number of posts : 839
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Exp: 12170/13000
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Quest and Event FAQ #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest and Event FAQ #1   Quest and Event FAQ #1 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2008 9:01 pm

About Partying! There's no place to actually set up a party, and there's no automatic way to tell who's on your team.

The way you meet up is Via Rp, and as meantioned above: You split your rewards/finds the way you want.

So keep track who you party with and who gets what ;D
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Number of posts : 839
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Exp: 12170/13000
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Quest and Event FAQ #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest and Event FAQ #1   Quest and Event FAQ #1 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 17, 2008 3:44 pm

Note: During EVENTS you have to be at the same location.

You cannot start new quests if you've participated in the event.

If your already in a quest u CAN pause the quest to participate in the event, but u can't 'continue' till the event is over.

You can quit the event at any time. But once you quit you cannot join again. And you do not receive any reward for quitting.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Quest and Event FAQ #1 Left_bar_bleue14/50Quest and Event FAQ #1 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Quest and Event FAQ #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quest and Event FAQ #1   Quest and Event FAQ #1 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2008 7:57 am

Redo factors on quests: If you see a number on the top right hand side, you may redo that quest that many number of times.

Example See the bolded number on the top right hand side? That means you can do that quest 3 times.

If there is NO number on the top right hand side, then you can only do that quest 1 time.

If there is the number [0], that means you can do the quest as many times as you want.
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PostSubject: Re: Quest and Event FAQ #1   Quest and Event FAQ #1 Icon_minitime

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