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 Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Left_bar_bleue14/50Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

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PostSubject: Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest   Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Icon_minitimeFri May 30, 2008 12:27 pm

*heads out of Cashier's shop*

Ray: how am i gonna get to this place called the Underground? It sure would've helped if Cashier gave me a map >.>

*walks a few blocks up and notices a small wrapper on the ground. On the wrapper it had an arrow pointing to a small drawing of an undrground subway station. Ray puts the wrapper in his pocket and looks out for a railway enterance. As he turns the corner there was a man who had a shaggy beared, with a big wool vest and wore jean shorts. He bumped into Ray.*

Man in wool vest: HEY!!! WATCH WHERE YOU"RE GOING!!! *takes out a very large club* I think i shall show you some manners.

Ray: umm, ^^ that's ok... *The man swings the club downward.*

*Ray takes out his two Katanas and blocks the attack.*

Man: heh, your qui- *Ray releases the block and swings his feet in a circular motion to trip the man. He falls and Ray puts his swords to his throat.*

Man: very quick.

*Ray grins and sheaths his swords*

Man: So what's your name kid?

Ray: Ray

Man: Well Ray, my name is Lorgo, but you can call be Club! I got to be heading out, but if you want you can visit my place in Eastern Marotropolis. I host games and tournaments from time to time, so you should check it out.
*he runs off without another word*

Ray: O_o okayz then... he sure didn't stay long. Anyways, it's time to find this underground subway
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Left_bar_bleue14/50Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest   Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Icon_minitimeSat Jun 21, 2008 10:40 pm

*finds underground subway a little down the street*

Ray: Well that was easy, now supposedly something is to happen.

???: PSSSST!

*turns around and notices someone*

Ray: Who are you?
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Left_bar_bleue14/50Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest   Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Icon_minitimeFri Jul 11, 2008 2:37 pm

????: names don't matter....

Ray: and what if you're someone i'm looking for?

???: then let's hope it's to go out for some grub. For now see that over there? That train? In front of it is a bomb.... it's going ta blow!

Ray: <.< you got to be jk?

???: no! not at all!! please, you look like a powerful swordsman, and a fast one at that, can you help?

Ray: -.- Fine *leaves ??? behind*

???: good that'll take care of Cashier's near and dear prize and that guy Ray

Ray: *Sprints with his speed, by the time he gets in front of the train the train starts up...and the bomb? it was at 1*


???: BWAHAHAHAHGWAHAHAHAOMG XD YES!! ROFL!!! I FINALLY GOT RID OF CASHIER'S STUPID TOY!!! GWAHAHAHA!! *the smoke clears leaving the train where it was...and everything in tack. Ray walked towards Deorio covered in scars and burns.

Ray: That was really close... too close Deorio
Deorio:'d you find out?
Ray: Cause you knew about Cashier's Prized posession which he doesn't tell fact i don't thing he DOES tell anybody.
Deorio: So it's a fight you want?
Ray: I'll leave in peace, i have what I need *walks aaway*

Deorio: heh hehHHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! *spits* I ain't letting you leave with my only way to disgrace Cashier! *Pulls out pistol and starts shooting*

Ray: SHEILD!! *a shield of ice comes in front of Ray*
Deorio: So that's how you blocked that bomb... but it seems like you're not that strong in using it. *he fires at a closer range. A few of the bullets break through and scratched my right arm and my right ear.*

Deorio: I'll just blast through that shield!! *pulls out grenade* Say goodbye!!
Ray: Adios *I drew my sword and sliced my own ice sheild in half, the top half flew toward the grenade and the grenade blew up mid-air. I then used the smoke as cover and caught Deorio by the neck. Putting one of my katanas up to his throat*

Ray: I caught you
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PostSubject: Re: Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest   Mudkipmaster/ Finding Deorio: Quest Icon_minitime

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