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 {Silenced One} Finding Deorio

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{Silenced One} Finding Deorio Empty
PostSubject: {Silenced One} Finding Deorio   {Silenced One} Finding Deorio Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 12:56 pm

Project #005 Walked down into the underground city.

I must find a human by the name Deorio in this underground city. I should find people who might know about where he is.

#005 walked off down into the depths of the underground city in search of people. He walked down small tunnels and such and soon the smell of sewers hit him. He continued walking. As he turned one corner he saw someone trying to open a box. Maybe he can help me find this Deorio person. . . . He called out to the man.

Human, do you know where I might find someone by the name of Deorio?

The man looked up at him, then to the box and then took off running down the tunnel. #005 looked confused for a minute and then ran after him because the way the man ran he might be this Deorio person.
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{Silenced One} Finding Deorio Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Silenced One} Finding Deorio   {Silenced One} Finding Deorio Icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2009 4:36 pm

The man ran quickly and dodged around objects and corners constantly. #005 just followed him. He was having a problem catching him because he didn't know where he was going but he didn't have much of a problem keeping up. After a series of many twists and turns he lost the man.

That isn't good, I have no clue where I am now.

#005 continued walking hoping to find the man again. Or any person for that matter because if he didn't he would never find his way to the surface again.
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{Silenced One} Finding Deorio Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Silenced One} Finding Deorio   {Silenced One} Finding Deorio Icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 5:47 pm

#005 was still wandering after about another 10 minutes. He was completely lost in a strange tunnel maze thing. There were tunnels leading every which way and they all looked identical.

*sigh*This is getting nowhere

However as he turned the next corner the man literally ran into him. They both stumbled backwards and fell over.

#005 stood up quickly and spoke, return Cashiers box now or I will take it by force.

The other man stood up and laghed, "Are you one of his new pet dogs that do his biding? Ha! I would never just give up this precious item."

He then turned and ran.

#005 was right behind him and tackled him before he could get much of anywhere. The man did fight back though. A knife appeared in his hand and he attempted to stab #005 in the leg. With little effort #005 knocked the hand away and put his arm in a wrestlers arm lock.

You can't win this you know.

The man smiled at this as he pulled a gun out of one pocket and shot #005 in the arm. As #005 grabbed his arm the man jumped away and aimed his gun. "Now it is I who have you!"

#005 turned to face him and reached inside his pocket. He removed something that looked almost like cloth. He jerked it and it unravled and stiffened into a halbred. The man was to stunned to do anything as #005 jumped at him and cut one hand off of him.

Victory is mine, give me the item and show me to the surface.
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{Silenced One} Finding Deorio Empty
PostSubject: Re: {Silenced One} Finding Deorio   {Silenced One} Finding Deorio Icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 2:07 pm

The man didn't even think about protesting and just handed the item over and led #005 to the surface. After they got there the man turned and ran away clutching the stump that used to be his hand.

Good, now I just need to return to the Cashier person.

He walked off to find the office again.

Quest Complete
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PostSubject: Re: {Silenced One} Finding Deorio   {Silenced One} Finding Deorio Icon_minitime

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