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 [Narutouzi171717] Finding Deorio

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[Narutouzi171717] Finding Deorio Empty
PostSubject: [Narutouzi171717] Finding Deorio   [Narutouzi171717] Finding Deorio Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2010 7:03 pm

After Zero had driven to Cashiers place as he was instructed by the man at the city's gate. He received his instructions as to what he had to do. Throughout the briefing Zero had tried to object many times. Cashier, however, is impenetrable to Zero's objections unless he first does what he was instructed to do. Zero stormed out frustrated and went to the first guard he saw. Zero rushed over to him and called out.

Zero: "Excuse me sir!"

Guard: "Yes?"

Zero: "Um I don't really know why I am here...or how for that matter. This strange man, Cashier, said I had to find Deorio and get a possession of his back from Deorio. So is this like...legit or?

Guard: "Ah a newcomer. We get those every now and than but yes this information is correct. Here have this map of the city it should do you well. Also Cashier doesn't lie. However, he doesn't reveal the whole truth either so be careful, ok?

Zero: "Yeah...ok..."

The guard handed Zero the map and Zero stood there until the guard walked away. Zero opened the map and searched it's contents for his current location. Zero looked up and around. Than back at the map a few times to make sure he had the right spot. Ok, so I am here...and the Underground City is a few miles that way. So I gotta go... Zero looked around and saw the direction he needed to go.

Zero: "aha..there."

Zero folded the map and went to his car. Before getting in as always he stopped a few inches away from it he just stared at it and his parents flashed through his head. Zero shook his head and opened the door to get in. Zero stuck one leg in and than sat down and pulled his other leg inside the car. He pulled the door shut and sort of tilted his head to the right noticing the passengers seat. An image of Angel flashed through Zero's mind. Zero let out a deep breath and put his head against the steering wheel. I have to find her. No matter the cost I have to get to her before something bad happenes...and I can just feel something bad is going to happen. Zero grunted and slapped his face a few times to get focused. He started the car and pressed on the clutch with his left foot. Put the shifter into 1st gear and let off the clutch while applying pressure to the gas. The car began to roll off and pick up speed.
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[Narutouzi171717] Finding Deorio
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