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 Quest and Event FAQ's

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
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Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

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PostSubject: Quest and Event FAQ's   Quest and Event FAQ's Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2009 6:38 pm

Cashier: Quests will be you greatest source of Gold and Exp. There are many quests out there so you will have to learn the basics of quests.

Types of Quests:

Type 1 quests: Quests that are in “Quest Logs"
>They are your most basic type of quests
>You find them in "Quest Logs": sections in Different RolePlay Areas.
>They all have a Redo Factor. The Redo factor is a number in thetop right hand corner of quests. [0]=Infinite Redo’s
- No number= No Redo’s

>Redo Factors tell you how many times you can redo a quest.

Type 2 quests: RolePlay Quests.
-This is where you role play about yourself coming to a problem. Once you fix that problem you RolePlay about getting a small reward. Example: MM walks to the store and notices a beggar stealing radishes. MM stops the beggar and gives the radishes back to the owner. The owner gives MM some radishes as his reward. MM gives the radishes to the beggar and the beggar trades MM a fish. MM got a fish! And 5 exp for helping out! Note: These quests are free-lanced. Refer to other quests to reference what your reward should be.

Type 3 quests: Events
-Everyone can join events even if the location of the event is not in your location.
-Any quests you are in the middle of will be ‘paused’
--You cannot work on that quest till the Event is over.
-You cannot start a new quest.
-You can quit events, but won’t get any of the reward.

Want to help out and create a quest?
-PM an admin your quest using this layout:
Lvl Requirement:
Redo Count:
Quest Description:

How to do a Quest:
-Go to the main area of the location: Like Right here!
- Go to these areas that look like the above with the "Info Centers" and "Quest Logs"
-Create a “New Topic”
-Role Play about accomplishing the quest!
-Note:"We admins would love to see quests that are longer than 1 post, and longer than 1 paragraph for each post. (however it isn't required ;D)

Party Quests!!!
-Start your Quest
-Have a friend post after you
-People are allowed to ‘butt in’ solo and Party quests
--Starter of quest can kick ‘butt ins’ out of their quest.
-Role Play back and forth about accomplishing the quest together
-In Party quests, You must Split the Reward amongst the Party Members
Finishing your Quest!
-Go back to the info about your Quest
-Reply “Completed” or something along those lines

-Once you have finished your Quest you can add the reward mentioned to your
“Character Stats’*
-Party Quest Rewards must be split amongst the Party members
-In Events everyone gets the reward mentioned. There is no splitting the reward. =D

*To get to your Character Stats look at the top of Maroon.
-Click "Profile"
-On Your "Profile Tabs" Find a thing that says "Character Stats"
-Fill in the blanks =)
-You should be lvl 1 right now.

Cashier: WHOO!!! THAT was a mouthfull! Alright next up!!! : LVLING UP AND EXP!!!!! Now Shut up and listen!
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