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 The Wilds' Bane goes North

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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeWed Jan 07, 2009 4:32 pm

Aleran rides through the streets of Marotropolis: hat on his head, cloak on his back, armor on his chest, and gun in his belt. Behind him rides Ninjageek, driving the cart full of the group's supplies. And some way behind the cart rides Kehvyn, slow to get going as always.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeWed Jan 07, 2009 4:40 pm

NINJAGEEK settle into his seat relaxing as they rode through the town towards the gate and the wild. He smirked to himself as he thought about what might happen to the "wild" if it attacked the wild's bane guild as the sun set. Even though they were not even out of Marotropolis he was ready to jump and help his guild members if trouble started.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeWed Jan 07, 2009 5:29 pm

Kehvyn spurred his mount forward to come abreast of Aleran. He wasn't sure what to expect, but he was up for some excitement, after all, it is Maroon, and it is the wild.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeThu Jan 08, 2009 1:34 pm

They reached the city gates without any problems. It was surprising to Aleran the no one had attempted to stir up trouble with the group; whenever he walks through the city the scum of the earth seem to not be able to resist the urge to try and mug him.
"On second thought, it's not the surprising. We are 3 armed warriors with sour expressions. Only a fool would attack us."

The guards at the gates were apparently fools. 2 dozen men in uniform, each equipped with a sword, a pistol, and a spear. They spread out across the gate 2 deep and shoulder to shoulder. A 13th man with a slightly different uniform and no visible weapons walked in front of the formation and signaled for the group to stop. Aleran assumes his he the commander.

Aleran halts his horse and signals the others to do the same. In a voice just loud enough for the guildsmen to hear, Aleran mutters, "Do not attack unless I do. I'd like to get out of this city without slaughtering half the police force. We don't want more attention drawn to ourselves."

Aleran leaps off his horse at the officer's request. He stands about 10 feet from the man blocking their horses' path.
"Evening, sir. What can I do for you this fine evening?"

The fire in Aleran's voice disturbs the officer. "Well, ah, you see, no one can leave yet. Not if they look like they might be going away for long. And not if they, well, look like fighters."

Aleran frowns. "And why not?"

The man gulps, his shoulders slouched and his head low, trying to pretend to be anywhere but there. "Um, security, and, well, security. We're investigating the crab disaster, and no one suspicious is to leave the city until the case has been settled!" His gains confidence as his speech goes on, ending with strength.

Aleran frowns even harder. "We already know who sent the crabs. The combine, remember? I know, I was there fighting them. And where the hell were you, oh 'Protector of the City' while we were fighting the invasion?"

This struck a nerve, on both sides. Aleran and the head officer were glaring at each other.

"None. Shall. Pass." The officer then stomped into the guardhouse beside the gate. He shouted an order to keep the road barricaded throughout the night before slamming the door behind him.

Fuming, Aleran walked back the cart. He nods to Ninjageek and Kehvyn. "There's no other way," he says.

He reaches into the cart and pulls out his ashandarei.

"Gentlemen, do your thing."
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeThu Jan 08, 2009 4:04 pm

NINJAGEEK smiles to himself.

There are 12 of them and 3 of us. That means we each get 4.

NINJAGEEK slowly climbs off the cart, not bothering to bring his katana with him. He glances at the shadows and then at the men between him and the awaiting road leading away from Marotropolis. He began a slow deliberate walk towards the four on the right side because there were more shadows on that side now that the sun couldn't be seen over the buildings.

You should of let us go past without any trouble. he said in a quiet voice showing no emotions.

The men became nervous and shaky saying, "stay away, you shall not pass. Come any closer and we have orders to shot you."

NINJAGEEK stepped into a shadow and stopped.

As you wish then, this is as close as I will get to you.

He readied to strike then down with shadows but waited to make sure that Aleran and Kehvyn were ready when he struck.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeThu Jan 08, 2009 6:02 pm

Kehvyn swerved his stallion around behind the cart and picks up his crossbow and some bolts.

Kehvyn though to himself, Hmm... Four men... Four bolts should be plenty, if not a few to many.

With his claymore at his side, Kehvyn slowly trotted towards the men, going straight towards the middle, with a look of grim determination in his eye. He knew that fear was a wonderful weapon, if used correctly.

Making sure his bow was loaded and tight strung, Kehvyn got to four meters away from the group of men, and said in a loud clear voice, Let us pass. No one will be harmed if you do, and if you don't, you can be garunteed that you will not see the next sunrise from mortal eyes.

One of the sentries in the middle meekly replied, Our orders are that no one shall go through this gate.

Good bye, you have served your city well.

WIth that, Kehvyn shot the man in the face.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeThu Jan 08, 2009 8:17 pm

Alran sprung into action. Using his ashandarei to channel and aim the flames, he set one, two men ablaze who had reached for their guns. This took place in less than 3 seconds.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 9:34 am

Loading another bolt to his bow, Kehvyn swung down from his horse. Barely pulling the bolt back all the way, Kehvyn released it, plunging it through the neck of the guard in front of him.

Kehvyn dropped the bow and drew forth his claymore in one swift movement. The guard to Kehvyn's right started to draw his pistol, and as he did Kehvyn quickly dispatched his hand.

Staring at horror at the bloody stump where his hand used to be, the guard never saw the sword rushing at him, slipping between the armor on his stomach.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 1:48 pm

NINJAGEEK let the others attack first but as soon as the four men in fount of him began drawing their guns he entered the fight too. Shadows stretched out from him and stabbed through two of the guards shadows in the head and holes appeared in their heads, squirting out blood. One of the other men managed to stammer, "m m m monster!" He then raised his gun towards NINJAGEEK but then stopped. NINJAGEEKs shadow ability near max due to shadows covering the ground meant he easily "grabbed" the guards shadow on it's arm and twisted it, causing a horrible cracking sound and then finished him like the first two. The last one was too stunned from how his companions had died to move. NINJAGEEKs shadow grabbed the man this time, not his shadow and broke his neck.

Should've let us pass he muttered to himself.

Then NINJAGEEK looked over to his companions to see how they were doing. They appeared to be doing ok so he just went about looting the four dead bodies.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 2:24 pm

Aleran turns his blade upon the remaining men. 3 left standing, swords out, guns forgotten. He presses the tip of his weapon's blade to the throat of the man closest to him. Slowly, Aleran increases the pressure until a small cut is made and blood begins flowing slowly. Crying, the man drops his weapon and takes a step back before falling to the ground in a submissive position.

The other two men follow the example of their comrade. Aleran lowers his ashandarei, but remains alert.
"You three, clear the road of your fellow's bodies. We will pass now, no?"
They scramble to do as he asks.

He turns to his companions. "One last thing before we go."

Aleran kicks down the door to the gatehouse. He then drags the officer out into the street, where he swiftly ties him up and sets him ablaze.

"Now, we can go."
The screams of the burning man are very loud as Aleran drops his weapon in the cart and mounts Shadow.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 2:58 pm

Kehvyn followed Aleran's lead and jumped onto Arion. He circled to the wagon and dropped his bow and bolts in, but left his sword at his side in case of ambush.

What a shame, I was hoping to be able to show my face in Marotropolis without it being on a wanted poster, at least for a while...

On his way through the gates Kehvyn picked up a pistol dropped by one of the soldiers.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 9:36 pm

Aleran pulls a piece of paper and a pen out of his saddlebag. He writes a short note, which he then folds and puts in a magically sealing envelope (also pulled out of the bag). After addressing the envelope, Aleran scans the crowd that had gathered for a young boy. Finding one who looked promising, Aleran rides up to him.

"Good evening, lad. Might you be willing to run an errand for me?"
The boy looks hesitant, until Aleran flips him a gold coin. The boy then nods his head eagerly.
"Good then! Do you know where the head of the guard lives?"
The boy answers, "Aye sir, that I do."

Aleran hands him the envelope and another gold coin. "Take this to him."

As the lad runs off in the direction of the Captain's house, Aleran turns his horse back to his companions.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeSat Jan 10, 2009 10:16 am

NINJAGEEK rises from the dead bodies of the guards he killed with all 4 swords, spears and guns and the ammo for the guns. None of them had much money on them and decided not to take it because 8 gold doesn't help much. He loaded the weapons into the cart and climbed up into the cart ready to move.

Those weapons might be able to fetch me some money later. he says to himself.

Looking to his companions he said, shall we continue now?

OOC : exp?
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeSat Jan 10, 2009 12:08 pm

occ: 10xp for each guard, right?
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeSat Jan 10, 2009 5:30 pm

OOC : depends on if they are police or guards, Teh Uberness, which are they. Guards are 10 each and police are 5 each.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeSat Jan 10, 2009 6:18 pm

OOC: Police. Now can we please get on with this? RP is more important than XP.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeSat Jan 10, 2009 10:37 pm

Aleran rides through the gate after checking to see that Ninjageek was back on his cart. To the north!
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2009 3:48 pm

NINJAGEEK follows after Aleran in the cart out into the wild unexplored. He sits back and gets comfortable even though he is sure that in the land of maroon he will not get to sit comfortable long. The road stretches out ahead of them and NINJAGEEK is eager to see what lies out there for them to find.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2009 4:11 pm

OOC: Sorry to continue with OOC comments...but I had to say something.

It is very bad moderator practice to edit/delete other people's posts without telling them. Especially the posts of an admin!!!

I don't know who did it, but I do not appreciate it.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2009 7:13 pm

OCC: Sigh... I think you are making to big of a deal out of this. You told me to edit my post. And I did edit my post, I deleted it. And then your post didn't make sense. So I deleted it...
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2009 7:17 pm

OOC: Kehvyn! Please! RP! Now!
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2009 7:31 pm

Kehvyn rode abreast NINJAGEEK, letting Aleran take the lead. Both sides of the road were covered with trees, which offered good shelter, and a good hideout for bandits. Even with the threat of bandits, Kehvyn was ready for adventure and booty!
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeTue Jan 13, 2009 4:55 pm

NINJAGEEK sat relaxing on the seat of his cart as they rode along the slightly forested road towards the unknown. Having nothing better to do he took out a small rag and began polishing one of the standard issue swords he took off one police mans dead body. It was mostly in good condition but needed some touching up. As he polished he thought and eventually realized something. He called out to Aleran hoping he could discuss some stuff about their trip and guild with him.

Aleran, might I suggest that we discuss the guild and this trip while we have nothing better to do?
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeTue Jan 13, 2009 7:37 pm

How often will we except new members? And what qualifications must they have?
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitimeWed Jan 14, 2009 10:05 am

calm down there Kehvyn, I would like to bring up something important. However I would not expect new members soon or often mostly because there aren't to many adventurers in maroon that we have met and also we don't even have a guild hall/base. The guild hall/base is what I want to talk about.

NINJAGEEK called up to Aleran again, hoping to get his attention.
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The Wilds' Bane goes North Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Wilds' Bane goes North   The Wilds' Bane goes North Icon_minitime

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