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3 posters

Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue14/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

PostSubject: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2011 10:40 pm

Ray, in his cloak walked around the streets of Southern Marotropolis. He looked around the different vendors, looking for anything worth buying. He thought he saw a shiny blade, but then saw the price and kept walking.
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Maroon Noob

Number of posts : 4
RP Exp : 4
Registration date : 2011-08-14

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ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue1/200ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (1/200)
Exp: 0
Gold: 0

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2011 11:00 pm

Zero woke up and rolled out of bed. He look around his room and walked over to a beaten up chair with his equipment sitting on it. Laying on the chair was a pair of black leather pants that were loose enough to move freely in, a black sleeveless shirt, a lengthy leather jacket and rolls of bandages.

Zero slipped on the pants and the shirt then sat down. He pulled up the legs of his pants and began wrapping the bandages around his ankles and then his wrists. He stood up; walked to the front door, slipped his feet into a pair of leather converse shoes and tied them tightly.

Zero turned around and bent down to reach under his bed. He pulled out a medium sized case, opened it, and grabbed a white mask out of it. After placing the mask over his face and tightening the straps he slung a metal rod around his back, tightened those straps so that the rod was parallel with his spine and headed out the door while sliding his arms through the sleeves of the leather jacket.
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Maroon Noob

Number of posts : 6
Age : 31
Location : jtown
RP Exp : 6
Registration date : 2011-08-14

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue1/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (1/50)
Exp: 0
Gold: 150

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2011 11:02 pm

hawk had just rolled over and decided it was time to get up and start moving again. he was on a search to find a partner he could trust to watch his back even though he had trusted no one before he knew he would need a friend sooner or later. he strapped on his sword, bundled up his blanket, and headed off on his search; nibbling on some bread and drinking the last few drops of water from his canteen, he made a mental note to stop and fill up on water.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue14/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2011 11:09 pm

Ray looked up and down the street and sighed.

"There's not a whole lot to buy, maybe I'll buy something to eat." He walked over to one of the food venders and bumped in to a girl with green hair and a hat

Girl: Oh! I am so dreadfully sorry! I'm sorry!" *She smiled and put her hands up in apology.

Ray: Umm... it's okay. What's your name? *Ray tried to make friends, cuz he didn't really know anyone in Maroon.

Girl: Sorry! I don't have any time! Goodbye! Cya!" *She runs off and leaves Ray sighing. He continues to the vender and tries to buy something...when he realizes...his wallet is missing.
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Maroon Noob

Number of posts : 4
RP Exp : 4
Registration date : 2011-08-14

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue1/200ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (1/200)
Exp: 0
Gold: 0

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2011 11:21 pm

Zero walked down the road and looke into shops as he passed them. He saw a clothing shop and wondered if he could find some gloves in there. So, he turned towards the shop and walked in.

An old woman greeted him. "Oh hello there my boy! Is there anything I can help you with today?"

Zero: "Yeah, you don't happen to have a pair of leather gloves do you?"

Old woman: "Yes I do! Any particular color?"

Zero: "Hm, black please, and I want them tight."

Old woman: "Alright! Let me just measure your hand real quick!"

The old woman messured his hand and ran into a back room. Outside of the shop Zero heard yelling. "Hey! Bring thats weapon back, you theif!" Zero turned his head and ran out of the shop. A teenage boy ran carrying a sword close to his chest. Zero leaped into the air and was about to land on the boy when he shifted his feet and lunged away from Zero. Zero's eyes narrowed and pierced through his mask at the boy. The boy fell to the ground, yelping in pain.

Zero walked over to the boy as he rolled over onto his back. "Damn you, just leave me be!" The boy snapped his fingers and Zero felt the heat before it hit.

There was a huge explosion that threw Zero into a building and the glass in all the buildings shattered. The boy got up and began running again.

Zero: "Ugh, Damn this, that hurt."

He staggered up and started chasing the boy again.
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Maroon Noob

Number of posts : 6
Age : 31
Location : jtown
RP Exp : 6
Registration date : 2011-08-14

Character Stats
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ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue1/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (1/50)
Exp: 0
Gold: 150

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2011 11:33 pm

hawk heard commotion goin on up the street and saw a lil fight goin on but just kept walking and stopped at the well to fill up his water canteen.he then continued to look through the shops knowing he was goin to need a new sword since his old sword was beaten up and dulling out but he didn't want to spend to much gold on a sword but he knew he had to.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue14/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 12:55 am

Ray looked to his right and saw the long green hair of the girl who bumped into him. It had to be her... he had it like five minutes ago. He ran through the crowd, apologizing to people as he moved them aside. He got a lot of angry glares as he did.

Then he saw the girl turn into an alley way. When he got into the alleyway, she was gone...

"Hmm..." Ray looked around the alleyway and then noticed a door that had a symbol on it.

She must've went in here. I saw this same symbol on her back.

He was about to open the handle, when he saw it slightly move. He casually walked away from the door, putting his hands into his pockets. Gotta make it look like I'm just walking through the alley like a shortcut!

Some big guy in a black cloak walked out of the door. Ray could see the man out of the corner of his eye. He had a scar down his left eyebrow and down to his chin. His large square jaw had a thin line of facial hair that outlined its masculinity. He came over and walked over to Ray... now he was right behind him... Hovering right over...

Ray stopped when the man put his hand on his shoulder.
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Maroon Noob

Number of posts : 4
RP Exp : 4
Registration date : 2011-08-14

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue1/200ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (1/200)
Exp: 0
Gold: 0

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 8:58 pm

This time Zero drew out his weapon. He held the rod close and zig zagged towards the boy. With a small snap, electricity shot out of his hand and landed on the ground in front of the boy.

The boy slid to a halt and turned around to look for his attacker but Zero was now behind the boy. With one swift motion of his rod; the boy was out cold. Zero bent down and examined the boy. He saw a tattoo on the boys wrist and then picked up the sword as the owner of it stopped in front of Zero gasping for some air.

Sword's owner: "Thank you, uhhh, sir. Might I know your name and see thy face to show my gratitude?"

Zero: "Your welcome; No."

Zero handed the man his sword back as the marotropolice police units came and captured the boy. Zero walked past the man and headed back to the clothing shop. He turned his head slightly and said: "This is my face and it is who I am."

Zero turned again and continued his walking. The man scratched his head and yelled, "Thank you again sir!"
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue14/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 9:11 pm

The man: "Out for a stroll, are we?"

Ray felt his grip tighten and a great pressure was upon his shoulder.

Ray: "Ow! I'll be honest!" The shoulder tightened

Man: Good, I like honesty.

Ray: I was chasing a girl who stole my wallet!

The man spun Ray around and then picked him up by the shoulders and pinned him against the wall.

Man: I SAID, I LIKE HONESTY! Don't be lying boy, *his voice went down to a whisper* Because I don't like dishonesty. Do you know the thing about dishonest people?

Ray: can always tell when they're dishonest?

Man: You can always- w-w-w-wait, how do you know that line?

Ray: Pirate *Ray smiled, but the frowned and looked away, regretting saying that.*

Man: I hate bloody pirates. *he tosses ray asside into a bunch of trash cans. Ray gets up and then pulls out his bow, notches an arrow and points it at the man.

Ray: Listen, I don't want to cause any trouble but I want my wallet back. She had green hair, under some sort of hat. *He was dead serious... but the man just laughed.*

Man: Ohhhh children, so naive. Don't point that at me boy.
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Maroon Noob

Number of posts : 6
Age : 31
Location : jtown
RP Exp : 6
Registration date : 2011-08-14

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue1/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (1/50)
Exp: 0
Gold: 150

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2011 9:59 am

as he nears the sword shop hawk sees the owner walking back in, he approaches and startles the owner
Hawk: oh sorry sir didnt mean to startle you but i am looking for a good quality sword for a fairly cheap price

Owner: i might have just what you are looking for. (walks over to rack of beautiful looking swords) will this do?

Hawk taking the sword from the owner starts to swing it around slowly and puts together some moves to test the feel of the sword "it feels great, i love it. now how much is it though? its such a beautiful sword it has to be worth a lot"

Owner: no not at all in fact i will cut you a deal if you buy some flint from me.....say 150g for all of it?

Hawk: WOW! that is a great deal, here is 150g thank you very much!
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2011 3:58 pm

The man made eye contact with Ray and Ray started to feel strange. He dropped his bow and took an arrow to this throat.

You have no control over your body. I have you under my soul possession. When I release, you will have no memory of this place, your stolen wallet, or the girl you chased.

GET OUT! Ray's heart, mind, and soul filled him with that one thought. He did not like this intruder taking over his soul.

The man regained consciousness and so did Ray.

Man: I am impressed, you are more than you appear. But you only caught me offguard, now let me try this again.

The man closed his eyes, but before he could possess his soul Ray had shot an arrow straight for his heart.
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Maroon Noob

Number of posts : 4
RP Exp : 4
Registration date : 2011-08-14

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ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue1/200ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (1/200)
Exp: 0
Gold: 0

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2011 5:48 pm

Zero walked into the clothing shop and the old woman was just sitting there waiting. She looked up as he walked in.

Old Woman: "Oh you're back!"

Zero: "Yeah, had a little business to take care of."

Old Woman: "Yes yes I saw I saw! For that I am going to give you these gloves for free and throw in a few other items as well!"

Zero: "W-what...? You don't have to do that. I was just trying to do whats right."

Old Woman: "That is precisly the reason! There isn't much of that anymore in these parts. So, I am going to give you a few things that I think will be especially suited for you. It's all prototype equipment so the only thing I ask of you is to give me some feedback!"

The woman handed Zero a large box.

Old Woman: "Don't open that until you are out of the open! Now run along!"

Zero scratched his head and thanked the woman, than turned around and walked out of the shop.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue14/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2011 8:30 pm

Ray felt a terrible pain in his body.

Now look what you've done!

Ray clutched his heart as he got down on both knees, the pain was unbearable.

How--can I feel your pain...?Ray asked inside his mind.
Man:Cause my soul is inside your soul. We both..gah... feel the pain.
Ray:But you should die right?
Man: Unless I can take over your soul, then I can live within you!
Ray calmed himself, he could feel the pain, but it was a mental and feeling of the spirit. He dug his nails into his skin and bit his tongue and the "pain" in his heart began to recede.

Inside Ray there was another part of his soul, get out... it said to the man. The man's soul quivered in fear, and took of, giving up its posession attempt. Ray was free...and the man was no more.

With his presence gone and the "pain" at the heart no more, he walked over to the body. He put his bow away and went up to the door. He opened it and went inside...
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Maroon Noob

Number of posts : 6
Age : 31
Location : jtown
RP Exp : 6
Registration date : 2011-08-14

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue1/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (1/50)
Exp: 0
Gold: 150

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeThu Aug 25, 2011 6:31 pm

as Hawk walked out of the shop he saw another dude walking out of the clothing shop and decided to try and figure out what that comotion earlier was so he walked over to the guy....
Hawk: 'scuse me, sorry to bother but what the hell was that comotion earlier?

Other guy(Zero):......
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue14/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2011 9:38 pm

Ray entered a small room with a table and a set of chairs off to the side, a shelf on the wall with colletions of old antiques, a few pictures along the walls, and a door that led to a living area. He walked into the living area and there were three sofas around a table, and in front of the table was a fireplace.

On the sofas were five people in black robes. Two in each sofa except one, which was closest to Ray.

"Who are you?" A young man with long red hair and squinted red eyes with his arm around the green haired girl looked at Ray, and almost through his soul.

"Er..." Ray cleared his throat, trying to gain confidence. "That green haired girl stole my wallet, and I want it back." Ray pointed at her, making a stance to look cool.

"Hahahaha!" The red haired boy got up and walked over to Ray, looked him over and then his eyes furrowed. He looked back at the other black cloaked figures and then back at Ray.

"Where is Arvin?" He asked out loud.

"I thought he went outside to clean up the alley?" A young man Ray's age with silver hair and crescent moon earrings asked.

"Did you kill him?" The red haired young man asked.

"I did." Ray nodded. The young man's eyes widened, and then turned back to his group.

"Melody, give Ray his wallet back." The young man nodded to the green haired girl.

"But Roy...."

"Just do it. The man needs his money, and we need a leader, and I refuse to lead."

"But Roy, you'd do great." A girl sitting next to the silver haired boy with curly black hair looked at Roy.

"Nah, not as much fun. You know how it is Maradeth. You've led us once."

"Hmm, never again."

Roy turned to Ray.

"Listen, you defeated our leader. Most likely by luck from what I can tell. But lucky for you, as leader you don't have to do dirty work, just make us all happy. Got that? We're a family of thieves known as Crimson Blade. If you don't like the name, you get to change it. There's only six of us, including you in our little group."

"Wait...what?" Ray had a serious look of confusion on his face.
"Should I repeat what I said? Or use sign langauge?"
"'s just... how can you just pick a random person off the street to be your leader? You don't even know me."
Roy shrugged, "None of us really liked Arvin anyways... and you might have some talent. Should we test it? Actually, wait Melody."

Melody was about to hand over Ray's wallet, but she held it.

"Before we give this back, you have to prove yourself. Lead us on a mission."
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue14/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2011 11:39 pm

"What if I choose not to lead you guys?" Ray asked.

"Then we'll keep your wallet, and slit your throat for knowing who we are." Roy immediately responded.

Ray sighed and the shook his head, "Fine. I'll do it. But don't expect the greatest of results for the first few missions."

"We better see the best of results, otherwise you won't be fit to lead us or get your wallet back." Melody crossed her arms and gave Ray a serious look. Ray frowned with one side of his face.

"So who are you all, and what can you do?" Ray asked.

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Maroon Noob

Number of posts : 6
Age : 31
Location : jtown
RP Exp : 6
Registration date : 2011-08-14

Character Stats
RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue1/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (1/50)
Exp: 0
Gold: 150

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2011 11:01 am

since the guy had just kept walking instead of responding to Hawk he decided to just figure things out for himself.
Hawk walk down to the local bar that was just up the street. as he walked in and sat at the bar an older guy walked over to him and asked what he wanted
Hawk: I'll just take a cold beer
Old Guy: alright here ya go. you must be a new guy in town cause i aint ever seen you before.
Hawk: yea just got in town, heard some commotion goin on earlier, do you know what that was all about?
Old Guy: Oh yea that shit, just some other new guy in town stoppin a little brat from stealing some merchandise.
Hawk: oh ok so there was no need for me to get involved. i want to meet this guy he seems to know where the action is. i havent fought in a week i really need to start some shit Thanks for the beer sir. how much do i owe ya?
Old Guy:I'll make ya a deal. you can have that one and a few more for free if ya do a mission for me. i need someone to watch my place tonight, someone has been messin with my bar and its startin to piss me off.
Hawk: yea no problem, hopefully someone does come so i can teach them a lesson. ill park myself right out front. can i get another beer since im hangin around? haha
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue14/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 8:43 pm

Later that night

"Alright. Here's the deal." Ray took out a map and put it on the table, "There's apparently a local bar that sells some good liquor. I heard some people talking about it while I walked around town. But apparently the bartender knows a sky pirate. Better yet, he used to build sky sailors! Somewhere within that bar are blueprints to build an airship."

Roy: You're joking. *Roy's jaw had dropped and looked at Ray in amazement. The other five couldn't believe what they were hearing.*

Ray: I got lucky I guess. I was wishing for an airship because my legs were killing me... some guy in a red hood heard what I said and...

Maradeth: The red hooded people!? *She got up and stared at Ray with an intense gaze*

Ray: Yeah, he was rather nice.
Maradeth: Nothing...weird happened?
Ray: No... *Ray shook his head and bit his lip...* Anyways, I made quick profiles for you all so I could keep track of you...seemed to be the fastest way for me to learn your names and your person.

Louis: Quiet, thinks things through
Age: 18
Weapon: Lightning Necklace (can infuse lightning element in all weapons made)
Power: Metal Alchemy

Melody: Stealthy, persuasive
Age: 19
Weapon: Slim metal rod that can break down to a portable chain.
Power: Her body can attach to surfaces at will

Maradeth: Sarcastic, Critical, Honest
Age: 19
Weapon: A brass umbrella, Elemental hand gun
Power: Light

Roy: Cool, Quick to act,
Age: 18
Weapon: Gunsword
Power: Fire

Jess: Considerate, quick to act
Age: 18
Weapon: A Sketchbook and Pen
Power: Can Draw things to life.

Ray: Patient,
Age: 18
Weapon: Bow n Arrow
Power: Nothing...

Maradeth: Not the most accurate profiles.

Ray: Their whatevz. I hardly know any of you anyways. So this will do for the first mission I'd say. I don't know any of your fight styles either. So we'll have to keep the fighting to a minimum.

Now! The plan! This operation should only need three people!

First, is there any drinking requirement to drink in local bars?"

Roy: It's up to the bar. But that one that you're talking about is open to anyone who has a drinking partner until you're 18. Then you can drink by yourself.

Ray: Good! Roy, Louis, and Melody. You three will be the ones to go. Maradeth and Jess, you two can do whatever you want for the evening. Just be on standby so I can contact you via Maroon watch just in case things go wrong. But they shouldn't.

Melody and Roy, you two will go in as a couple. Go in and get the bartender to start talking. Have him talk about his life, his past experiences, where his home is, if his home is there or if it is elsewhere. If it is there, I want Roy to go and find his living quarters and find out if it is locked. If it is then go back to Melody and have Louis go unlock the door by sending him a note on the way out. He should be able to unlock with with his alchemy. Melody, you will then go back saying you forgot something and then help Louis if he needs it. Roy, you will go back into the bar saying you lost your "girlfriend" and he should tell you she either isn't there or is in the restroom. Either way, distract him for a bit if he decides to go back to his living quarters. It is a weekday night, so who knows how busy he'll be.
Louis and Melody, search what you can and find those blueprints.

Melody: Wouldn't it be easier to persuade him to give us the blueprints?

Ray: If you can do that, then that would be great. But otherwise, this is the plan. Got it?

Crimson Gang: Alright! Let's go!

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Maroon Noob

Number of posts : 6
Age : 31
Location : jtown
RP Exp : 6
Registration date : 2011-08-14

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ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue1/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (1/50)
Exp: 0
Gold: 150

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeFri Oct 28, 2011 10:07 pm

Hawk was sitting outside of the bar later that evening in a chair the bartender had given him. he was sitting there just sharpening his sword and thinking bout the good ol days of fight after fight day after day. he was at the top of his game and loved every minute of every fight. he was hoping for some action tonight but he doubted he was gonna get any trouble.
late that evening a couple walked in. they were young, maybe around 20. Hawk wasnt to worried about their age since that wasnt his job. his only job was to keep the peace im kinda like a cop haha Hawk thought to himself.
after he had finished sharpening his sword he put it back in its sheath, slung it back over his shoulder and stood up to look out on the town. it was a nice little town, smal shops and some places to eat were scattered about. it was a slow night given that it was a weekday. most the trouble will probably come on this weekend i bet, no one does anything during the week
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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RP Level:
ADVENTURE TIME!! Left_bar_bleue14/50ADVENTURE TIME!! Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 14, 2011 12:38 am

*Melody got the bartender to start talking while Roy looked around the shop. Eventually Roy found a picture with an airship, and looked behind the picture to find a special vault. He summoned Louis and together they figured out the lock combination. Within a couple of troublesome minutes they were able to unlock it. Inside was a small usb drive.*

Roy: Looks like the old man is up to date.
Louis: Let's go.

There was a loud bang and all of a sudden a large group of wolf-men (not quite wolf enough to be a werewolf) with various weapons burst into the bar. One of them with a quadruple barrel pistol came over and pointed it at the bar tender's head.

Wolf-man: Hey you, we need an airship, and apparently you've got the know-how to build ones of top-notch quality. *speaking with a low growling tone of voice* We've got the money to get you started and we won't take "no" as an answer. Get packing, you have five minutes or else this customer of yours is going down." He stuck the pistol to her head...

Barkeeper: Please! I don't want any trouble! *Goes to get blue prints and sees Roy and Louis.* Hey! Theives!

Roy: Dang! *Roy and Louis ran downstairs and saw the wolf-men while Melody is being held hostage.*

Barkeeper: They have the blue prints for the ship!

Wolf-men: Oh really? *The wolf-men take out their weapons... and there are about seven of them....*
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PostSubject: Re: ADVENTURE TIME!!   ADVENTURE TIME!! Icon_minitime

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