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 Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Left_bar_bleue14/50Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeWed Mar 11, 2009 8:33 pm

"I agree, save your ener-"

Ray saw a group of men with dark cloaks on. But the leader was a man in a fullbody suit of armor. His face was rectangular and he had a mousache that made a square around his mouth. About 20 men were behind him. When they saw Ray and the group he took out a laser gun.

"You are not gerudos! Are you mercinaries!"

"No! But who are you!" Ray said as he put his hands up. The man and his men surrounded Ray and the group with laser guns out. This must be Elix then....

"We are Elix, and if you have nothing to do with the battle of Elix and the Gerudos LEAVE!-"

"SIR! We would like to help you in your battle! Let us go to the battleground you speak of and we can help destroy the gerudos!"

The man thought for a moment....and then said "Fine, go south of here 20km and you'll find a bridge....there the battle wages on. Us 20 were sent around the long way here....we barely made it. Monsters galore. NOW GO!" He was obviously in a rush because he was 1.)angry, 2.)Left in a hurry, 3.)Winded, and 4) made desicions way to fast.

"Come on guys let's go!" Ray said as he led the way south.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 7:02 am

Hawk had started to pull out his LS already when Ray started to talk nd then when the guys left he put it away nd said "well we bttr get goin if we want ta get this battle started"

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Left_bar_bleue14/50Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeThu Mar 12, 2009 7:06 am

"No hawk, this battle has already started, we're just late." Ray started to jog at a steady pace so everyone including da girls could keep up.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeFri Mar 13, 2009 2:32 pm

*agrees to help and follows along as Ray leads the way*
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Left_bar_bleue14/50Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeFri Mar 13, 2009 3:09 pm

The 6 came upon a very very large sandune. By the time they got to the top they saw the middle of the battle. The bridge was HUGE!! It was over a large canyon that must've been a few miles long(like 3km).

The six stood on the sandune and Ray motioned for them to run. Ray's original plan was to cross the bridge using his ice....but he never expected the canyon to be so big!

The battle on the bridge had several small skirmishes going on at once. It was obvious that the gerudos were holding Elix back from getting through. The Gerudos had more numbers. But it was also apparant that the destruction of the teleporter had left the Gerudos at a loss of their biggest advantage. Gerudos were wondering why their numbers were dropping like they were. Flashes of lights and steel could be seen everywhere.

Ray kept his eye on another sandune while he was running. It would keep them close to the canyon, and yet hidden from the two fighting sides. He ducked behind it and kept to a crouch while everyone else stayed hidden.

Ray whispered to the team. "Alright, the few ideas I had were to either have Hawk use his force to throw us over to the other side. I could make an ice bride. Ryo might be able to do something. Rem might be able to use his lightning to send us across.

But the problem with all of these: They would only work on at least a 1km bridge. Less than a mile. Ecspecially since: We're basically all out of energy. And i don't want us to waste anymore." Ray looked at each one of them to make sure they understood.

"So this is my other plan: We're going to steal some ropes. Then one of us is going to make their way to the middle of the bridge and go under the bridge. They'll drop a rope down (and tie on others) to make a giant rope like swing. What they'll do is drop down on the rope and swing like never before. They'll land on this side of the bridge and then the remainders of us will grab onto the rope before they notice us and swing to the other side!!! If it doesn't work.... We'll swing until it does work! Sound good?" Ray was going a little big with his idea, but he knew it should work. 80% sure about it he was.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeFri Mar 13, 2009 4:33 pm

"I have another idea" Ryo said, "You guys are depleted on energy, but I could create a glass bridge that we should be able to cross. Ray, you can control ice, right? So you could help add to it. All I need to do is kick up enough sand and use my Fire Release on it. I could also help with the ice as well."

"Then again, if you want to go with your plan, I'm fine with it" Ryo finished.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeFri Mar 13, 2009 5:27 pm

Rem: Yeah and if you guys get far enough across with the help of Ryo then I could transport you with my lightning. But I cant do it from here because thats a long way to go. Then if I still cant get us there Hawk could push us the rest of the way. Besides this will be alot faster. Well Ray what do you think?
Diana: Hmm well I know you guys are all tired so here eat these. *hands pills out to everyone* These are energy pills and they restore energy, well at least 50% of your energy. You can save them for later or take them now, but I would save em because that nap we had helped out a bit.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeFri Mar 13, 2009 5:43 pm

((OOC: Howd you get here? O.o Don't you have to rp about traveling?...))
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Left_bar_bleue14/50Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeFri Mar 13, 2009 6:49 pm

((zomg louis is right, (((way to be on it louis! >,<))))

"Well.....if you guys are up to that....then i guess we can do that....I guess this way we can go over unspotted and if need be: Rest on the other side." Ray took up a jug of water and gupled it down. It was cooling to his boiling nerves.

"well Ryo, let's begin"
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 7:00 am

As eveyone started to work Rem sat down and started to focus on everyone trying to get a feel for their electric currents withing their bodies. He felt like he figured them out well enough and then started to gather his energy from within and he sat there gathering energy and storing it up ready for the moment to make his move count
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 12:00 pm

Ryo started chewing on a recovery herb, and felt Rem looking at his electric current, and turned around. He paused, and back to Ray.

"You might want to cover your eyes" Ryo warned, having his left arm fact the sand by the canyon. "Hitokuu!" he shouted, and a gust of wind swept up, knocking the sand over the canyon.

Ryo lifted up his other arm, and shouted "Kaesuto!" and fire erupted from his hand, merging with the sand, and forming glass over the canyon. He kept it up and looked over to Ray, and said "Feel free to join in when you're ready"
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 2:36 pm

Rem sat there making sure he understood every move that anyones electric currents would make.
Rem: "damn if I am not 100% acurate then I could kill us all, so I must concentrate."Rem continued to sit there making sure that there would be no mistakes
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 2:44 pm

Ryo decided to take a breather, and let the sand settle down. He looked to Ray and said

"I need to stop for a little while, the sand was getting to crazy, and I couldn't control it well, I'll continue again in a minute."

He turned around and saw the troubled look on Rem's face. He wondered if he should go over, but decided not to. He started back up again.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 6:25 pm

Rem was feeling something a bit more strange now it was hard to focus for some reason. Then he realized why he felt that way.
Rem turned and pointed to the bridge and then a little to the right of the bridge and there was about 20-40 men coming this way. The group then made there way across the uncompleted bridge of glass. Then Rem stopped and ran back helping Ryo make his way across the bridge too. Come on guys this is what we have been talking about so lets do this.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 6:32 pm

Ryo was rushed along to the end of the unfinished bridge. He looked at Rem, and asked

"Now what are we gonna do? Jump off?" Ryo asked, unaware of what his companions could do
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 6:46 pm

Rem: Exactly we jump.
They all looked at Rem and he shoved them all off of the bridge.
Ray: *whistles as he falls*
Diana: *falls with arms crossed*
Glin: Ray your friend is insane, did you know that?!?!?!
Ryo: ...
Rem: Focus Focus Focus Focus
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 6:48 pm

Ryo was getting ready to kick up a wind storm that would send them flying back up, but he noticed Rem was preparing something.

"Oi, I'm trusting you right now. No screw ups." He warned, glaring as he was falling.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 7:00 pm

Lightning surrounded everyone and then they all turned into lightning currents and they all had the ability to move freely as lightning but Rem would not let them because it would use more energy if they got farther away from him. He sent them all up the canyon and to the other side but they were still to high above the ground and they were not quite far enough to the other side. They would die if they landed from this high up, well if they happened to make it to the other side.
Rem: Hawk you need to get Ray and Glin, Ryo I hope you can get Diana and I will be back and guys make sure you get to the other side along with a soft landing.
Rem turned into lightning again and went back to the bridge. The last thing they heard Rem say was "sorry, I have to do this"
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 7:04 pm

Ryo grabbed Diana, muttered "Hold on", then said "Hitokuu!" and a wind cushion formed below them and Hawk's group, and it slowed their fall until they landed. He glanced to the others, and watched what Rem was doing.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 7:18 pm

Rem landed on the glass bridge and he reached into his pocket and pulled out the pill that Diana gave him and he gulped it down. His power suddenly came back and he rose his hands into the air. As the group of men came towards him with weapons drawn a huge bolt of lightning came down and struck the bridge making it shatter. Then everyone on it fell into the canyon.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 7:25 pm

"Impressive..." Ryo mumbled to himself, catching everything Rem did in a mere matter of seconds. "I wouldn't of thought of something like that" He waited for Rem to return.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 8:02 pm

Rem was trying to turn back into lightning but he couldnt focus enough because of all the other people that was around him. He couldnt focus on his own bodies currents to only transfer himself away. He continued to fall tring to think of what to do.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 8:10 pm

A stunned look slowly crept across Ryo's face.

What in Hell is he doing... he thought, watching Rem. Is he in trouble?
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSat Mar 14, 2009 8:25 pm

Rem: Shit I cant focus because of so many lightning currents around me. Hmm I wonder if I can use those currents as my own? Or maybe absorb them somehow.
Rem held his right hand out and took his left hand and grabbed his right wrist with it. Lighting spread from his right hand and went through all the guys around him. Once he got it threw all of them he ripped the lightning out of them and as it was pulled out of them so was the currents inside their bodies. Now the lightning had passed through all of them and was comming at Rem, it went inside of him and he felt like he had 110% of his energy back. It was so much easier to focus now. He turned into lightning and shot up to where the group was.
Rem: Ok guys note to self do not try to turn into a current when surrounded by a lot of people. Well anywayz I feel so refreshed now. MM what is our next move and if you need anything special done Im the one who can do it because I feel great right now.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Left_bar_bleue14/50Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2009 7:03 am

((ooc: i hope u went back to the 'glass bridge mr. rem))

"Rem....i think half of what you did....wasn't quite least the people who saw us are dead =,=" Ray turned and started jogging again. He headed away from the battle on the bridge to avoid being seen.

After walking for about 1-2km they came across a rather large camp. There were several tents in a circular fashion. A few lean-to's were created, supplies were sprawn all over the place, boxes and crates were everywhere, and Elix members were vacant. It looked completely empty, save for a few guards.

Glin leaned towards Ray and whispered, "Could we just pillage their camp?"

"Well, since no one is here.... sure." Ray turned to the group.

"Guys, have a look around the camp and take what you find, and destroy what you see. But if you find the leader of Elix....hold him captive and leave him to me. Get it? Got it? Good!"

Ray unsheathed his swords and ran down to the camp. this should be fun he thought to himself.
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