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 Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi

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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2009 8:11 am

(ooc: I did...)
bic: Rem was running towards the camp when he said
Rem: Hey guys are we just going to go in a destroy everything and take what we want or are me going to try to sneak in first and have a look at what happens to still be down there?
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2009 10:50 am

"we should prbly go in quietly so incase any one is left there we will b able to take them out nd not cause a big distress, then we take wat we want nd watever u do dont get killed or captured XD like i really need to say tht"

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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2009 11:58 am

Rem: Thats what I was thinking.
Rem got up to the first lean2 and he crouched down by it so not to be seen. He signaled to the others that he saw 5 guys and waited to see if anyone else saw any others there other then the 5 that Rem saw.
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2009 12:59 pm

Hawk said he saw two other guys plus the 5 that Rem saw, "I'm going to sneak around to the other side of the camp be right back" Hawk then started to travel around the circle of tents cautiously when he bumped into a small guy. Hawk quickly snapped the guy's neck and hid the body.

One less guy left in this camp when Hawk made it over to the other side of the camp he had only seen the seven that he and Rem had seen and then started back around to see if any one else saw any guys.

I wonder if anyone realized that the guy I killed is missing? oh well I'll just be careful as i get back to that place

Hawk arrived back at where he started ok and told everyone what he had seen and done

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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2009 1:18 pm

Rem: Ok we take them out quickly and quietly, everyone got that?
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2009 1:26 pm

"sounds like fun, here goes some more killin fun"

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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2009 4:16 pm

Rem slowly made his way to the first guy. He was right next to the entrance of a tent. Rem snuck up behind him and put his hand around his mouth and pulled him inside the tent. He struggled but Rem broke his neck to fast for him to get anywhere. Rem then heard some groaning and he quickly spun around and drew out his sword. Rem was shocked to see a man tied in an x form. Ropes were on his wrists and ankles. Rem cut him down and helped him up.
Rem whispers: "Who are you and why were you tied up?
man: Im a demon tamer and my name is Argo.
Rem: wtf why would they want a demon tamer
Rem: Are you able to walk.
Argo: Yeah Im fine. They have fed me well and did not try to harm least physicaly.
Rem: Ok well you wait here I will be right ba...
Argo: Wait
Rem: What is it?
Argo: You have 2 demons inside of you and they were once one.
Rem: What did you say?!?!?
Argo: I can help you but there are some penalties for it if you let me help you out.
Rem: What do you mean?
Argo: I can remove the 2 demons but 1 will replace them and I will not know what will replace them but I can tell you 1 is better then 2.
Rem: ...Ok but I just need you to hold on for a moment and I will be right back.
Rem walked out of the tent and took another guards life by slitting his throat. It looked like everyone else had already made their moves on the others
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue14/50Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2009 7:12 pm

Ray had split up from the group, allowing everyone to do what they wish. Unfortunately the heat blinded his usual heat differencing senses. This made it hard to discover enemies....or keep track of his comrades.

Ray headed to the largest tent of the camp. He kept low, and he went in between tents. By the time he got to the largest tent he realize: It wasn't the largest tent.....they were a collection of the smaller tents grouped together.... Problem was looked like a bigger tent was on the other side of the camp where Ray just came from.

This is great.....just great!!The leader hides in the smaller tents so it's not obvious where he is!!! And then the smaller tents are grouped together to create the illusion that it's a big tent!!!....damn

Then a laser beam shot past Ray. Ray jumped into the air and then did a front flip. He drew his swords while he did the flip and landed on the ground facing a man in a dark and elegant green cloak.

The man had a scraggy beard and a mowhawk green hair. He had sideburns that spiked out past his sharp ears. On his face were a few markings. On his cloak were several elegant symbols and shapes. His hand seemed to be a little furry as well and yet: it had claws on his knuckles. The man spoke in a deep voice.

"Who be you? Why you come here and disturb the unguarded camp? Are you gerudo?"
"I come to give important information to the leader of Elix. I also was hoping to help end this absurd battle for the sand temple." Ray hoped this lie would get him closer to the leader of Elix.

The man looked down at the ground and put his chin inside his cloak. Ray couldn't tell, but the man was smirking and also: Chuckling a bit. Pulling himself together he snapped to.

"Well, please come this way, but give me your weapons." Ray tossed his swords and chain and followed the man to a small tent. In fact; this tent was the smallest one around. Ray went inside and saw a very elegant room.

Candles were placed everywhere and some gold was laid around. A small table with maps and battle strategies was laid out. Off to the right was tapestires that gave the room a lushious appearance. In the back was a chair and a bed with a desk beside it.

A man in a red cape, black armor, and a black bandanna was standing near the table of maps. He had black spikey hair and a moustache. His 'stache looked prettty....odd. Beside the man was a small kid about 13 who wore dark blue robes, sandles and several rings and bracelets over one of his arms.

"Who is this Regan?" The man who led Ray in bowed to the leader of Elix and then anwered.

"Has important information." Regan took a step back and pushed Ray foward. Ray took a small breath to relax himself. He didn't do well talking to people he didn't know.

"" Ray tried to begin

"My name is Lex" The leader said helping Ray out.

"Sir Lex, i have snuck through Gerudos and your own forces to get here. Starting from the temple itself I've known who your group is and what you are trying to do. I have helped. The gerudos had a teleporter that-"

The small child piped up and in a snotty voice, "We KNOW about the teleporter. Tell us some information a little more valuable. How do we know you're not a spy?" The kid had a small knife in his hand waiting to kill.

wtf....?what's with that- Ray's thoughts were interuppted as the leader reacted to the child's words. "Yes, what about the teleporter?"

"It is destroyed Sir." Ray bowed down again so the words and his honesty would set in.

"YOU DESTROYED THE TELEPORTER!?" Lex was astonished!

"Yes Sir!"

"Goodness gracious!You have no idea the pain and trouble that teleporter has caused us! Now that that's destroyed we can make advancements!! THANK YOU!! What can we do to repay you? You said u want to join our forces?"

"Welllll.....not exactly, I would.....but i came for information."

"That can be arranged. What do you need to know?"

the child stepped in again: "Lex, that might be unwise, what proof do we have? Not to mention, what if the teleporter isn't completely destroyed? Maybe it's being rebuilt? Then any info u give would be pointless!"

"Settle down Eli. You may be my tactician, but you are not the commander. I will do what i please, and I believe this young man. Why else would he carry such blades?" He turned to Ray, "What do you need to know?"

"Who killed Glin Suire's godfather?"

The child Eli, and Regan were the only one's who gave a reaction. Eli's eyes widened and Regan whipped around (before he was looking at a tapestry). The reaction was breif but Ray was keeping his eyes completely open. So he saw this small reaction. ((woot elven senses! XD)) Lex however was unaffected.

"Who is this Glin Suire? Her godfather?"

"Sir, if you don't know....then that is fine. I saw him dead with laser holes in his i thought Elix had something to do with this...."

"I assure you: i sent no party to kill anyone that wasn't apart of this gerudo base."

"Then....*sigh* i have no reason to be here....."

"-WAIT! Suire! That name!! Suire! Isn't that the name of the Gerudo's leader!?"

"That's correct Sir. I had to face her to save....her daugther....however.....she's a fake. She isn't rlly Suire. She's framing this girl's glin's mother."

"Ah....well then it seems like i am unable to give any info to you of use. I am sorry, are you looking for revenge for this girl?"

"Indeed....I am...." BANG!!! Ray took out the pistol he found in Glin's godfather's place and shot the man. Eli and Regan just stood there doing nothing. They didn't even flinch when Ray shot the last bullet in that gun. The leader of Elix: Rex....had died.

"So you shot him, how'd you know he was lying?" The child asked sneering.

Ray put the pistol back into his coat. "No grown man moves his eyes as much he did."

The child laughed a hysterical laugh and then clapped a bit. "Very good, very good. So, I'm guessing you want to know how he played a role in the killing of Glin's godfather?"

"If you'd be so kind" Ray said sarcastically.

"Since I have time, here i go: He had nothing to do with it. He's just possessed by me. His eyes move because of that possession. So you just killed an innocent man."

O_O ......"'re joking!"

The child shook his head. "I'm afraid not. That godfather 'Zen Suire' caught onto my trio: Regan, Lupull, and I. So he tried to stop us by joining the gerudos. We just happened to know him, so we sent him a little note and then killed him after he didn't shut up. Lucky for us some gerudos caught onto him being a traitor and burned all evidence! It's amazing how things work for the younger generation!!!Now we won't fight you because it's almost time. So take your blades."

The child nodded to Regan and Regan threw Ray's blades at Ray. Ray had to dodge em before he died! So Ray dodged em and was on the floor when he saw the next thing.

Regan transformed into a giant green raven. The child hopped on Regan's back and they flew away. The child called back. "Don't follow me Ray, or else you'll die along with everyone you know!!!!!!!!!"

Ray got up and then tripped over the dead body of Lex. Getting up he saw the blank exspression on his face. I cant....believe i killed an innocent man....ARGH!! Shut up Ray you've killed several hundreds of people before in battles!!....but he...had no reason to die....I just.....assumed... Ray shook his head and decided he wouldn't assume again..but this feeling of murder wasn't going to leave him. He got out of the tent and shot up an Icicle signalling for his friends.

It's time to regroup....and pursue that demonic child. I have a feeling where he's going.....
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 15, 2009 7:42 pm

Ryo saw the icicle shoot up into the sky, and thought Ray!...Did he find something out?.. he ran in his direction, and as he walked up to him, Ryo asked

"Ray, you find something out? Ryo paused, seeing a look of guilt in Ray's eyes, and continued with "...Is something wrong?"
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue14/50Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 2:03 pm

Ray had decided earlier to keep the killing of Lex a secret.

"No, nothing is wrong....well then again: to be precise, nothing is wrong with me" Ray grinned and then continued.

"I'll wait for everyone to come here to explain so i only have to say it once. But, making a long story short: we've got a big problem on our hands."
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 2:28 pm

Ryo could sense Ray was holding something back, but decided not to ask about it.

"I'm not sure where the others were, I had split away from the group, though right before you shot up the icicle...I saw some kid flying away on a bird. Does that have to do with anything?" he asked.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue14/50Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 3:58 pm

Ray nodded. "It has to do with everything....."
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 4:17 pm

Rem saw the ice shot into the air so he transported himself to the location via lightning current. Rem landed beside Ray and put his hand on his shoulder and there was a little spark Rem twitched a little and he knew that Ray had done something that was eating away at his mind.

Rem: Whats wrong, I know you just did something that you will regret for the rest of your life. Your current is way to tense for anyone of a normal mind. But dont tell me if you dont want to but its only a matter of time before I can read your mind by reading the impulses in your brain. Note to self might be a little painful use, not on friends but enemy first.
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PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 4:23 pm

Ryo shot Rem a glare

"I would've asked about it, but not as blunt as that. Where's Hawk?" he asked.
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PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 5:11 pm

Rem: Well I like to be more straight foreward with these things and with how it felt he is going to be way to distracted to fight anyone.
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PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 5:12 pm

Ryo sighed "Whatever...we need Hawk, Diana, and Glin now...I'll go look for Diana and Glin if they don't come soon"
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue14/50Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 6:59 pm

Like reading his mind, Diana and Glin came out of the shadows.

"Ray, was that your signal?" Glin asked.


Diana looked at Ray giving him an odd look. Ray waved at her trying to look innocent. But she snorted and stood with her arms crossed.

"So, why'd you call us? And in the middle of the camp!?"

"I'll explain soon enough, once Hawk gets here....." Ray turned to Rem. "Rem, if you have that power, then you are a force to reckon with. But as a friend and a companion: please leave me to my own thoughts." Ray said it short and sweet. And in a matter-of-fact-voice.
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PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2009 7:12 pm

Rem: I understand but you better not let it affect your ability in battle, if it does I will have to do it and I might even be able to remove that memory. Idk but I think I can feel currents in a whole other league now, because its so much harder to focus on one thing with a bunch of people around. Also when I fell into the canyon I was able to absorb the currents out of all the guerdos and I got some of there memories inside of me. But thats with killing them completely so idk if I will be able to utalize it for a while well at least without killing the one that im doing it to.

Just then Hawk fell to the ground and landed using the force.
Hawk: Whats up?

(ooc: Hawk if you see this before anyone else posts feel free to make ur own entrance and edit mine to remove my godmodding.)
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PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 6:09 pm

(ooc: Hey mm dont wait for hawk to get the story moving)
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue14/50Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 6:12 pm

(im not, im just....finishing up stuff right now)
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 6:13 pm

(ooc: -grabs popcorn- can't wait to see it. XD)
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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 6:16 pm

(ooc: Yeah ok whatever, you only have 2 loyal posters waiting to go nuts here)
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PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 6:18 pm

(ooc: and they are? =\)
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue14/50Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 6:26 pm

"Important business: thats what." Ray nodded to Hawk and then took a few steps back to get the attention of everyone.

"As some of you know: We were here to help our friend Glin. To get revenge on the person who killed her godfather: The Leader of Elix. He is on the floor in his tent: dead." Ray tried to look proud of his deed here, but ended up rushing to the next subject.

"But that is the least of our worries. A group of 3 who work for neither sides of this battle of the temple are about to cause something great. I'm not sure what....but.... 'something'. This is what i must inform you all:

First: I was escorted there by a man with odd markings and odd claws on his knuckles to the leader.

2nd: There's a child who has the power to possess, and the mind of a malicious human. He explained to me....that....he was the one....who killed Glin's father......" Ray paused here and looked towards Glin. Fire glowed in her eyes.

"How old is this KID!?" Glin demanded.

"By the looks of it....13.....but that's not all. He said something like 'It's time' and then his bodyguard: The man with the weird markings transformed into a giant bird and flew off with the kid in the direction of the sand temple......

But those markings: I have seen them before: You too Hawk and Rem. Remember when we infiltrated that sand base/temple? That man that almost caught us? He had silver hair and fur like clothing? He also had odd markings on him too? I believe that he's just like the bird: He can transform. Into what: i don't know.

But this trio....must be stopped.....I have a baaaad intuition about this whole thing...." Ray finished what he wanted to say and then turned around.

"Let's move out, full speed to the sand temple!" Then he turned to Rem: "Can you transport us there?"
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PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2009 6:50 pm

Rem: Yes I can but it will take a bit longer. Dont you want me to try and slow them down. It might be the best chance for all of us to get there before them. If I go ahead it will take at least 3 times longer to transport all of us. I can try to do it but my lightning is acting up and I dont want to get us all killed. Ryo is there anything you can do to help us get there faster, none of us know about your abilities yet so is there something you can do?
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PostSubject: Re: Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi   Ray, Ryo, Rem, and Hawk's Adventure in Arashi - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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