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 Emerald Dragon Tavern

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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2008 3:10 pm

A small, two story building catches your eye. A wooden sign with a green wurm painted on it hangs precariously over the door. As you push open the door to go inside the bodyguard standing next to the door eyes your weapons.
"Don't start any trouble now," he grunts to you as you pass inside.

As soon as the door opens you are overwhelmed by the joyous noise of the celebrating citizens. What they are celebrating, even they don't know. But when you ask the owner, he is quick to tell you, "They started celebrating when my father opened the tavern 60 years ago and they haven't stopped yet!" The owner is a jolly, fat, balding fellow. His apron barely covers his girth. Well, you know the food is good. He tells you his name is Balferd. Weather this is a first or last name, there's no way to tell. He greets every customer in a special way the first time they come in.

(RP Note- Choose the greeting that would best match your character and react accordingly.)

To Nobles/Rich patrons-

The barkeeper/owner rushes over to you, drying his grubby hands on his apron as he does.
Quote :
My lord, it is an honor to have you here in my humble establishment. Many I take your coat, good sir? Your hat? Would you like a room? Ah, but I am rambling. How about a table? I have the finest wines in my cellar. What can I get you?
He hurries over to whatever table you indicate and clears it of whatever was there, be it dishes or a drunk.

To Soldiers/People with really big weapons-

The bartender stays behind the bar as he talks you you, eying whatever weapons you're holding.
Quote :
Welcome to my bar, good sir. If you have a horse that needs taken care of, I have boys that can do it and do it well. Were you looking for a room? Why don't you take a seat. Any table you want, and the serving girls will be with you shortly. Now I run a clean joint here. No fighting, so messing with the girls. As long as you keep that in mind, drink and eat all you want.

To shady looking characters-

He speaks from behind the bar. When he thinks you aren't looking, he signals the guards around the room to keep an eye on you.
Quote :
Good day to you. We, uh, are happy to have you here. Take a seat, have some beer. Don't cause any trouble though. Here, I'll clear a corner table for you. If you'd like to have a room, I wouldn't care what you do in it. I don't care what you do, as long as it doesn't endanger my staff or my customers. Enjoy your time here at my inn.

To Normal folks-

He greats you from behind the bar, walking up to you as he talks.
Quote :
Welcome to my tavern. I don't think I've seen you in here before. You new in town? Just through the portal, right? We've got beer, scotch, wines, and some food. There's also rooms for rent if you're looking to stay the night. I might even have some jobs for you to do if you're looking for work. Anyway, take a seat, and one of the serving girls will be with you shortly.

To Returning customers-

Quote :
Welcome back! Good to see you again. What can I get you? Drink? Food? Room? I might have some quests for you in a bit. Anyway, sit wherever you like. I send the girl you liked so much last time over to serve you. Have a nice stay!

(RP note- this place is exactly as Balferd describes it. The first floor has a large common room for drinking and socializing, a connected kitchen, and Balferd's rooms behind the kitchen. There is a set of stairs on one side of the common room with rooms at the top. The rooms are for rent, just ask Balferd if there's one available. Please feel free to RP drinking, partying, etc.)
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2008 3:27 pm

"Thank you, err, Balferd was it? I think I will take a room. I don't know how long I'll be staying. However long I'm in town I guess." The owner must not remember him from before when he dropped off the injured man. Or maybe it was a different person that had sold him the room? Aleran couldn't remember either.

Balferd shows Aleran the room upstairs and leaves him to unpack. Having nothing with him to unpack, Aleran goes straight downstairs to get a drink. "I'll have to get my stuff out of the tent tomorrow." He takes a seat in the corner and waits for a serving girl to come by.

Last edited by Teh Uberness on Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2008 3:31 pm

Sraine walks into the main room and sits down. Many patrons are seated at the tables, and server girls are walking everywhere. Suddenly he notices a figure in the corner. It appears to be the Half-Elf. I need to get away from here! If he notices me, I need to run.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 1:22 pm

OOC: Dude, in my characters time line, you are still in the other imaginary inn. From what was RPd on the other thread you won't wake up for a few more days! This is a different place than where I left you. This, for me, is the same night I left you there. Something needs to change somewhere. And I think it should be you whole "out for 3 days" thing. Cause I'm going to confront you right here, right now.

Orrrr, I could change mine...say that I put you in this tavern...yeah, that would work...but you should still change how long you were out for.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 1:35 pm

OOC: That will work. I was kinda confused about that other one... I will fix my time.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 1:43 pm


Aleran watched the man come down the stairs. He had sensed it as soon as he started moving. It had only been one night since Aleran brought the stranger here. Since then he had gone to his tent, gathered up his belongings on his horse, and brought it all here. He'd also had a lively conversation with the girl that had served him last night, but for the life of him he couldn't remember her name!

Aleran reigns in his thoughts to concentrate on the subject at hand. Standing up, he walks over to Balferd behind the bar. "Here's the money for last night and enough for another week." He digs into his moneybag, which he got out of his tent that morning. His mother had a lot of money before she was killed, being a noble and all. Aleran had retrieved it from the monsters that had killed her.

Turning away from the bar, he walks over to the table where the strange man is sitting. The man gets up and turns to leave (maybe even run), but Aleran forcibly sits him back down with one hand. "I brought you here, treated your wound, and paid for your room. Now I want some answers. Who the hell are you and why were you following me?" He uses all his noble presence passed on to him from two royal parents (not to mention just the commanding air elves have about them) in an attempt to awe and frighten the stranger.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2008 4:59 pm

Sraine sits silently. Hmmm, this is NOT what was supposed to happen. Maybe if I tell him... yeah. I will tell him that. He studies the Half-Elf for a moment, notes where his weapons are, and recognizes the air of command about him. "If you are trying to intimidate me, it will not work. I know much about you, including your 'life force' recognition." He smiles. "No doubt you already have memorized my life force. Therefore I will tell you this. If you hinder me and my mission in any way, you will be putting Maroon in peril. There are many things happening in Maroon that threaten it, but other heros, or fools, are taking care of them. This is all I will say for now."
OOC: I had to cut this post short. I will update later.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2008 8:23 am

"What do you want with me? Why did you follow me? And how do you know...nevermind. I don't want to know how you learned about that, seeing as the only two people I've ever told were killed years ago." He remains standing; no matter what this guy says, Aleran is not dropping his regal stance. It seems to be having an effect on the other people in the room watching the conversation. It's kind of fun being able to freak people out like that. "And you still haven't told me who you are."

OOC: MM, I moved our discussion to a new thread. I hope you don't mind.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2008 8:45 am

"My apologies. I am Sraine, Sraine Bloodwrath. As for how I know, I will not say." Sraine grows solemn, his eyes are glittering. "If you wish to know more, I will say this. You can either join me on my mission, or you can go on your merry way. Since obviously you have the upper hand, I will offer you that. I warn you though, if you leave and start interfering with my mission, I will have to kill you." Sraine closes his mouth. He watches how the patrons of the Tavern are eyeing the Half-Elf with respect, a result of his Elven heritage. I hate it when elves do that. It is so annoying, watching everyone regard them with automatic respect.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2008 2:40 pm

Aleran pauses for a moment. "Is he a mind-reader?" he thinks to himself. "I will not hinder you any more," he says out loud. "And since you won't tell me more, I believe this conversation is over." He turns back towards his table. "I need a strong drink," he mutters under his breath, finally letting the human half of him show through.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeTue Aug 19, 2008 10:14 am

Several hours after leaving, Aleran returns to the tavern. The several hours were, of course, spent fighting Hiziki.

He grabs a drink to go, pays for a few more weeks of renting his room in advance, and then packs to go on a trip. He still wants the room to store his stuff while he's gone though.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeTue Aug 19, 2008 10:38 am

All packed and saddled up, Aleran leaves the grounds of the tavern. He doesn't know where he's heading, all he knows is that he's going to get there.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 9:25 am

Kehvyn enters the Tavern, greeted by the barkeep from behind the counter. He looked like he was keeping his hand close to a weapon of some sort, possibly a pistol.

Quote :
Good day to you. We, uh, are happy to have you here. Take a seat, have some beer. Don't cause any trouble though. Here, I'll clear a corner table for you. If you'd like to have a room, I wouldn't care what you do in it. I don't care what you do, as long as it doesn't endanger my staff or my customers. Enjoy your time here at my inn.

Kehvyn tries to calm his fears, "Please don't be intimidate by looks alone, you cannot judge a book by its cover. I have none some very nasty nobles in my time, as well as rather pleasurable shady looking characters. If you don't mind, I would like a room to stay in for at least a month, I can offer you 60gp for it. And while you are at it, I would like a flagon of scotch."
*Hands Barkeep 65gp for room and drink.*

"By the way, my name is Kehvyn. Yours is?"

Quote :

The Barkeep hurriedly walks away to get a room and orders a serving girl to get a scotch. Kehvyn sits down at the table Balferd indicated, enjoying his location in the corner, as it gives him a clear view of the whole room. A serving girl sets down his scotch in front of him, as he tips her 3gp with a smile.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 10:17 am

Balferd returned telling Kehvyn what room he gets to stay in, and then returns to the kitchen. As Kehvyn sits drinking his Scotch he sees a man enter the tavern and slit a hole in the bottom of a patron's coin bag. Quickly rising to his feet, Kehvyn throws a knife through the Thief's hat. The thief, startled, looks in the direction th knife came from. Kehvyn yells, "That man's a thief!"
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 10:29 am

The thief looks at Kehvyn and commands, "Don't interfere where you are not concerned." and shoots a bolt of fire at Kehvyn, who sidesteps, and runs forward and bashes in the thief's head with the hilt of his Claymore. It stuns the thief momentarily. Not hearing the whole argument, everyone starts looking at Kehvyn warily, thinking he started the fight. A few of them rise. "Uh-oh," Kehvyn thinks, "This isn't turning out well, this shouldn't have turned into an all out brawl. I might need some help."
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 10:53 am

OOC: Awwww, you're destroying my tavern..... Sad
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2008 11:28 am

OCC: Offer something constructive.


Kehvyn whacks the thief upside the head with the claymore again, knocking him out. The crowd jumps up and starts toward him. the Barkeep rushed in and yelled,

Quote :
HALT!! Everybody sit down! Whats going on here?!?

All sit except Kehvyn sit, and he speaks, "Sorry for the upstart, but that scoundrel*points at thief on floor* slit that man's purse, have him check it."

*Man looks at purse, notices hole and looks up shocked*

"I noticed the him stealing, check his pocket's for your missing gold."

*Reaches in the thief's pocket and finds the 35 missing coins.*

"I didn't mean to start anything, just get the money back, your guards don;t seem to be doing a very good job, Barkeep. I will take this man to my room and deal with him when he wakes, you said I could do anything in there."

*Kehvyn ties up thief, retrieves throwing knife, and carries thief to his room.*

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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeThu Aug 28, 2008 2:22 pm

A strange women walks into the tavern dragging a stretcher with an injured person on it. Before the bartender says anything she throw a small purse of coins at him saying, I need a room, something to eat and something to drink. Also if someone would help me with this it would be nice.

Dazed the bartender stares for a minute at the women, she is wearing stange clothing and has all kinds of wires and gadgets on her, then yells for one of the bouncers to help her and at the cook to get some food. Then he leads her to a nice room on the first floor and leaves her saying the food will be there in a moment.

As the bartender left the room, she laid NINJAGEEK on the bed. She rolled up her sleeves and started inspecting his wounds. First she took a knife and started cutting off the left sleeve and bandages off to inspect the spine wounds. she was worried because the spines were poisonous and the poison needed treatment right away. as she cut away the sleeve it reveled something that made her gasp and drop the knife. About half of his arm was missing!

What in bloody hell is this!

As she examined the wound she understood how he killed so many monsters before collapsing. the acid burn she concluded had eaten away almost all of his flesh starting with above the elbow and going halfway from his elbow to his hand.

Looks like I am going to have to replace his arm because of this.

She pulled out a bunch of devices and went to work healing NINJAGEEK.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeThu Aug 28, 2008 6:24 pm

NINJAGEEK was slowly coming to.

What happened. Wait, I lost it outside, why I am in a building? My arm, the pain. Wait the pain is gone, I can feel my arm and . . . . .

NINJAGEEK sat up in the bed and he looked at his left arm.


The woman that saved him walked into the room.


She looked at him strange.


She got really mad at him.

You stupid moron, I saved your life. I cured you of the cactica poison and I replaced it with a robotic one. I should of just let you die.

NINJAGEEK was confused. Cactica poison, robotic arm? Then he remembered the monsters almost killing him until someone saved him.

Um, sorry about yelling, but I have a few questions. What is a robotic arm and why is it acting like my real arm?

She sighed looked at him and said.

You come from like the feudal ages don't you. I am Janice, a combat healer from year 2527. Robots are machines that work like humans. I tapped the machinary into your brain so it reacts to brain waves like your real arm would.

NINJAGEEK thought about it for a moment.

What every you say. thanks for healing me but I must be going.

NINJAGEEK started to get and gather his stuff to leave but was stopped by Janice.

Sorry but that arm I made you is expensive. normally I would've just used some chemicals and machines to regrow you arm but it wouldn't work with what happened to you so now I have to charge you for that arm, which by the way I fitted it with some special stuff for none extra to suit your fighting style. Your fingers have metal claws and your hand shoots shurikin if you will it to. You get all of this and I am only charging you 600 gold coins for it.

NINJAGEEK's mouth dropped.

I would argue but that would do me no good. ok 600 gold coins they are yours. Now I am leaving.

NINJAGEEK grabbed his stuff and ran back to his tent before she decided to charge him for the extras she added.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeThu Aug 28, 2008 6:26 pm

After he had left Janice looked at the coins and thought. This could bring me lots of profit. Janice then left to buy a small building and open a shop.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 7:34 pm

As Kehvyn was sitting in his room, about to question the thief a dark shadow came into the room. A voice from seemingly nowhere said, "I am the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Prepare to meet your doom!", thinking quickly Kehvyn replied, "Take this vagabond as your dinner, not me." As the thief was a lot fatter than Kehvyn the FSM decided to eat him instead. As this was happening Kehvyn thought to himself, "It is odd to see someone being eaten by something invisible..." When the man was entirely eaten, the shadow disappeared. Kehvyn went to sleep and laid peacefully till morning.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2008 4:08 pm

After his wonderful rest, Kehvyn goes out into the streets for a stroll. He feels like going on an adventure today. Now the Question is, where?
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2008 4:42 pm

Kehvyn re-enters the bar and collects the gp from the two weeks he didn't stay here, collects his things, and leaves.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeTue Sep 09, 2008 12:04 pm

Ugh... Where am I? Looks around. It seems that the kind man did take me to the tavern. It must be two days since he picked me up. Now, to go find that woman...
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 11:56 am

Aleran enters the tavern, tipping his hat to the Barkeep.

Sitting in the same table he'd sat at before, in a corner, he can see the entire room in one glance. Ordering a drink, he sits back and waits for something interesting to happen.
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Emerald Dragon Tavern Empty
PostSubject: Re: Emerald Dragon Tavern   Emerald Dragon Tavern Icon_minitime

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Emerald Dragon Tavern
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