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 Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic.

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Left_bar_bleue14/50Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty
PostSubject: Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic.   Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 4:57 pm

There is a time in everyone's life that they must rise. To realize that life is more than being fed three meals a day and waking up and going to bed. To wake up and learn that we play a role in this world, and we have a destiny to play. Our destiny plays an impact in our life by guiding us on a path. A long that path we face those who object our own destiny, our own believes, and our own nature. We must rise and rise again and face each obstacle with faith that we can overcome it. For in doing so we fulfill our destiny.

He tightened his glove and let his hand fall to his side. He looked out across the green field. He was one. They were many. These were warriors of the evil king.

He touched the silver handle of his blade and drew his sword. He smiled at the familiar weight. He lifted his blade high up into the air, causing his blade to gleam from the sunlight above. The glare made him instantly noticeable and the evil warriors came charging at him.

He took a rushing step forward and gave a battle cry. Blood was to be shed.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Left_bar_bleue14/50Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic.   Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Icon_minitimeMon Jun 14, 2010 6:45 pm

As he took approached his enemies, they at once surrounded him.

He stopped moving forward and tried to move back, but his enemies were already behind him too.

He used his sword to attack the nearest person, but one of the other warriors caught his arm and disarmed him.

Then, he experienced a black out...
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Left_bar_bleue14/50Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic.   Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 17, 2010 9:36 pm

He woke up to a room filled with the smell of rot and decay. There was a muscular man who was sitting in front of him on a stone bench. He had no shirt on and his chest had several scars and bruises. He mumbled to himself as he had his head buried in his chest.

"Excuse me?" He asked. The man continued to mumble.
He got closer,
"Excuse me?" He got a bit closer.
"Damn...Pl... didn't....ork..."
He spaced himself from the man. Giving him a strange face he didn't know what to do.
Then the man shot his face up at him. The man looked him in the eye and yelled.

The man came at him with his hands ready to grab him. He ducked underneath the grab, and circled around the man. The man turned around and threw a punch. He moved out of the way just in time. He walked backwards as the man kept yelling and approaching him. He was eventually up against the bench. The man was upon him and threw another punch at him.

Blocking the fist by directing it away from his own face, he then landed a punch of his own into the face of the man. The man was taken aback and then grabbed his arm that he used to block. He jumped onto the stone bench and then preformed a wall jump into the man's stomach.

The man stepped back a bit and was winded enough to let go of his arm. The man brought up his fists again and rushed at him. He rolled to the side and got onto his feet. He spun around and landed a kick at the man's back. The man wasn't expecting that at all.

"DAMN! THE PLAN DIDN"T WORK!" The man spun around and tried to grab him again. He was already on his right side however, and he jabbed the man in the side. He then followed up with a quick chop to the guy's neck, aiming for the presure point. Unfortunately, it did nothing. He had missed.

"DAMN! THE PLAN DIDN"T WORK!" The man yelled again.
Agreed He thought to himself... The man was able to grab a hold of his arm as he attacked his neck. The man pulled and flung him across the stone chamber.

He fell onto the floor and quickly got back up. The man was already upon him, and he had managed to avoid a diving punch by getting up. The man was leaning down, and so he quickly hit his neck, twice as hard as the first time and with more accuracy.

The man fell to the ground.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Left_bar_bleue14/50Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic.   Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Icon_minitimeFri Jun 18, 2010 8:01 pm

He looked at the man laying on the ground and shook his head. That man needed to be put out of his misery.

A loud bang knocked on the large iron door. He didn't have to give a response, because soldiers entered the room.

These soldiers were different, they did not have the insignia of the evil king. They had a strange emblem on their breastplates that resembled that of a sun.
"What's going on in here!?" The one in the middle demanded. He looked from the man on the ground to him.

"It looks like he knocked this man out sir."
"I know what he did. We don't tolerate fighting in our cells. That's how you got in here in the first place. Come with me, you shall be punished accordingly."

He came forward and the soldier took him by the arm and pushed him forward.
He walked out of his cell and he saw a narrow hallway that had cells on only one side of the wall. The hallway on both sides was never ending. They kept walking down the gloomy hallway for quite a ways. He was looking around, trying to find means for escape.

There were three soldiers, and one of him. He couldn't stop all three of them. But maybe he can take out two by word of mouth.
"Hey you smell funny" He whispered, trying to sound like the other soldiers. The soldier heard him and knocked him upside the head.
"Stay quiet."

He scrunched his nose in disappointment, and kept getting a bearing for where he was. But, there was nothing but cells and a long hallway. The soldier who was paying the closet attention to Silver took out a blindfold and wrapped it around his eyes and ears. He couldn't hear or see anything.

His last sense was smell....but the soldier next to him...really smelled funny. He was sniffing his nose and the soldier sighed. Taking his metal armlet he knocked him out.

A bright light shone. He opened his eyes and realized the blindfold was taken off. He also noticed he was in a large open grass area. Around him was a large wall...where there were several audience too. An audience of soldiers and prisoners.

There was a large stone section separate from the other areas in the middle of the stadium up in the audience section. He took a look and saw that there was a stone statue.

It spread its wings and spoke.
"This should make a demonstration on those who decide to show violence in their cells."

5 horse men in full suits of armor came riding in and circled him. Each one had a lance. He shook his head. and coughed. I guess this is it. Death awaits... damn....I can't fall here.

As they were circling at a trot around him he ran out in front of a horse and yelled.
"WAH!!!" his presence alone made the horse get up on its hind legs. The horseman riding the horse directed his horse to stomp him.

He quickly rolled forward underneath the horse and rolled to the side.

He sprinted to the side of the field. The horse he startled was trying to turn around while the other four horses were already advancing onto him. He was moving in zig zags to avoid a possible throw by a lance, and the crowd roared with laughter.

He didn't get very far when a horseman jumped over his head. He stopped in front of him, and rose his lance and threw it at him. Two others had already drover their lances at the same time into his body. The fourth one waited for him to fall down, and he stuck his lance into his body.

The fifth rider came and dropped down from his horse. He stared down at his dead body. Blood was everywhere. On his dead body was a smile. But furrowed eyebrows....The rider shook his head and stuck a lance right through his smile.

He woke up to a room filled with the smell of rot and decay. There was a muscular man who was sitting in front of him on a stone bench. He had no shirt on and his chest had several scars and bruises. He mumbled to himself as he had his head buried in his chest.

He looked at himself and felt his chest. There was nothing on him. No lances holes.... What the? Didn't he just die?
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Left_bar_bleue14/50Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic.   Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 23, 2010 7:04 pm

He remembered that the last time he got close to the man and the man attacked him. This time... he didn't want to go through that again... So he edged close to a wall behind him.

The wall gave way and collapsed. He managed to catch himself before he fell down a large hole. The hole was pitch black, which meant it went on a long ways. He took a small stone and dropped it down. He never heard it land...

Well...this is suicide..but I have no better option
He was about to jump...but... decided not to.

He stood up and walked over to the man. The man got up and attacked him again. But this time he was faster, he instantly killed him with a hit to the neck.

Once again the guards came and walked him outside. They said the exact same things they did the first time.

He looked around and saw the 5 knights on horseback. As they circled around he got in front of one of them again. But this time, he grabbed the horse around the neck and used his feet to kick the soldier off....however... the horse kicked him down to the ground before he could manage to grab the horse by the neck...

Afterwards he was stabbed by several lances.

He woke up to a room filled with the smell of rot and decay. There was a muscular man who was sitting in front of him on a stone bench. He had no shirt on and his chest had several scars and bruises. He mumbled to himself as he had his head buried in his chest.

He looked at himself and felt his chest. There was nothing on him. No lances holes.... What the? Didn't he just die?

Just what in the world is going on....?
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Left_bar_bleue14/50Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic.   Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Icon_minitimeSat Jun 26, 2010 11:00 pm

He saw the same muttering man in front of him. Probably muttering the same words.

He leaned against the wall behind him, and it collapsed again.

Well...i wonder...can I even die? Or is the battle against those knights an illusion? He thought a bit more.. and then jumped down the hole.

The hole was pure black, and it was very dark. His fall continued until he landed on a very hard stone floor. The leg he landed on broke, and he crippled to the ground.

He heard a sound from the corner and a swarm of rats surrounded him. He was in so much pain, he didn't do anything about the rats. He eventually got up when a few of the rats attempted to bite him. He got up and limped away from where he was. He looked around, and things were still dark, but he could see a bit more. His eyes got used to the darkness and he saw the darker black of the hole he fell through.

Around him was a dark stone hallyway. Both ends looked endless. He noticed that on both sides were stalls... a lot like prisoner stalls. But these were empty. He limped over to some of them, and took a peak. There in the first stall were skeletons of the reamins of people.

Ew....This will probably end up being me...
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Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic.   Castles, Dragons, Princesses, Swords, and Magic. Icon_minitime

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