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 Head Crab Invasion Part 1

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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 19, 2008 10:39 am

Through the portal a shipment of crates is carried. Perhaps the people delivering them knew what was inside. Perhaps not. But either way it doesn't matter. All that matter is that THE CRATES WERE FULL OF HEADCRAB EGGS!!!!!!

Now headcrabs are running loose in Marotropolis! They must be stopped before the infestation spreads! Fight the headcrabs and their zombie victims here on September 19th-28th. Over a week of headcrab bashing fun!!!

All headcrabs have a distinct call, so it is easy to tell them apart without even seeing them. All headcrabs have the ability to latch onto the head of a humanoid and turn them into a zombie.

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 180px-HalfLife_WalkingHeadcrab
The standard headcrab is slow moving and little threat on their own. They can easily be killed by most anything hitting them hard. The only danger is they can leap surprisingly fast over long distances, e.g. onto your head.

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 180px-HL2Fastcrab
fast headcrab
These headcrabs are both faster and stronger than the normal headcrabs. They can cling to walls, jump further and faster than the other crabs, and can run quite fast. They are just as easily killed if you can hit them.

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 180px-HL2Poisoncrab
poison headcrab
these walk much slower than the other crabs, but can jump further and will sprint very quickly if injured. When biting their victim they inject a neurotoxin that makes the victim suddenly very weak and tired.

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Headcrab_ZombieComparison
headcrab zombie
The standard headcrab zombie has super-human strength, long claws, and big sharp teeth. They are very slow moving, but can take a lot of punishment before dying. They are capable of living and moving without legs. If you kill the host first, the headcrab will try to attack you. If you kill the headcrab first, than the battle with this zombie is over.

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 100px-Half-Life_2_fast_zombie
fast headcrab zombie
The hosts of fast headcrabs have all their skin and some of their muscle tissue fall off. They are very fast runners on all fours and can jump great distances and climb nearly vertical faces. These zombies also have longer claws and bigger teeth. They also can crawl around without legs, but are still faster than normal zombies. If either the host or the crab dies, than the other dies too.

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 100px-Half-Life_2_poison_zombie
poison headcrab zombie
These zombies swell in unnatural ways when infected. They are very slow moving, but serve as carriers for other poison headcrabs. Multiple crabs will cling to the back of the zombie, and the zombie will throw them at any uninfected humanoid in range. They have great strength to make up for their slow movement and are the hardest to kill.

Check out this site to learn more.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 19, 2008 10:48 am

A shipment of crates is carried into the heart of Marotropolis. No one knows what they are, or who they are for. All that the men delivering them know is that they were told to put them in the center of the city. A gift for the King, perhaps? Or maybe a gift from the king, to the people! Citizens gather around the sea of crates excitedly, trying to guess what it can be.

Then, without warning, a crate on the edge of the group breaks open! Head crabs leap out of the box and cling to the nearest citizens! The population is in a panic, everyone running and screaming! More boxes break open, and more citizens are attacked! The head crabs are loose in the city! The head crabs have invaded!

The army, the police force, the local militias, they are all being overwhelmed. They need help to stop the head crabs before they breed and spread to the rest of the continent.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 19, 2008 11:04 am

He is sitting behind his desk in Yyru when his secretary comes in from the hallway. "Sir, Lord Aleran, the captain of the Marotropolis Home Guard is on the phone for you. He says it's urgent."

"Well, give it here girl. If it's urgent, I'll take the call now." Aleran reaches out his hand to accept the phone from her outstretched arm. He holds the device to his ear. "This is Sir Aleran, Lord of Yyru. How may I be of service?"
~Aleran? Thank the goddess! We need help, bad! The crates exploded! And the crabs are everywhere! And the~
"Hold on! Slow down man! Now, what is going on?"
~We've been invaded! Head crabs! They're turning the population into Zombies!!!~
"Wait, ...what?!"
~Zombies, sir! We can't hold them off! We need help! But be caref~
He doesn't get to finish his last sentence. The connection is broken. Cursing, Aleran throws down the phone, pulls on his bullet-proof armor, grabs his shotgun, several boxes of ammo, his daggers, and his sword. He makes an impressive exit from the building, his cloak swirling behind him as he marches down the hall and out the door.

Standing on the steps of Yyru Town Hall, he shouts to the people in the square. "Marotropolis is under attack. Anyone willing to fight, meet here in one hour. The Yyru Guard will be leaving for the city then." He turns to the captain of the Yyru Guard, and gives him the order to march for Yyru with all available troops in one hour.

With this done, Aleran jumps in the truck he rented from Marotropolis the day before and orders the driver to take him to the city. He cannot wait for the rest of the troops. He's going to fight now.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Left_bar_bleue14/50Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 20, 2008 7:26 am

(still on his way to Yyru)

-The dood with the chain tried to whip me with it, but i jumped aside easily....But he had complete control over his chain so he yanked it to where i jumped and made me trip. The guy with the axe rode his horse toward me trying to run me over. I didn't want to kill the horse.....because It's not cool to kill animals >< so I froze its legs which stopped it from moving. However, the guy with the axe was still unfrozen. So he jumped off and tried to inject his axe into my torso.

I got my swords readied to block the attack, but the guy with the chain made me go into the air and slam me back down. Luckily I managed to avoid the axe guy's attack....


"I's was preventings hims so's he wouldn't uses his swords"

The chain guy whipped me into the air again and slammed me back down. The pain wasn't too bad because the attack wasn't powerful in itself. But it was getting kind of annoying. I Created an icicle and shot it at Derek(the S chain man) he dropped his chain and I went to pick it up. The axe guy was right behind me but as soon as he lifted that axe, i had sliced my two swords across his chest. Blood gushed from the slashes and he fell down.
I freed myself from the chain and put it in my could come in handy later.

Derek was still in pain from the icicle, so he was on the ground writhing in anguish. I gave a sigh, and walked on, dropping 2 of my healing herbs behind.....this would look bad if they were guards in casual clothing.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 20, 2008 7:36 am

OOC: To MM- I'm on my way to Marotropolis from Yyru in a truck. Want me to pick you up?
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 20, 2008 9:35 am

NINJAGEEK was flying down the road in the truck Ted was driving with all the Yyru citizens who wanted to fight in the back on his way back to metropolis after installing the teleporter. He had decided to not teleport back as he might end up up to his nose in head crabs so he was driving back as fast as he could.

I hope by the time I get back the entire city isn't zombies.

The truck continued it's way back to metropolis.

OCC: yeah Teh Uberness, I was in Yyru and saw that you said for any Yyru citizens who wanted to fight should get ready and go to metropolis so I loaded them into my truck to bring them with me. any other confusions please look at my journey to Yyru on the long distant road.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Left_bar_bleue14/50Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 20, 2008 10:52 am

(ooc: That would be great NINJAGEEK, thanks)
Edit: I meant Teh_Uber.....i must be blind when i read who posted the offer ><

Last edited by mudkipmaster on Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:48 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 22, 2008 7:23 pm

OOC: It would appear to me that there are forum problems that have deleted all text in the last three posts. Am I alone in this? Anyway, in an effort to keep things moving, I will continue with the event as if those posts were still there.
Anyone who didn't get to see them, they went something like this.

Quote :
Me- Hey, Ray, want a ride to Marotropolis to fight crabs?
MM- Sure. Wait, crabs?
Me- Yes, crabs.

Before the conversation could continue any more, the truck rolls through the gates of Marotropolis. There are signs of a disaster everywhere Aleran looks. The streets are abandoned, and sounds of fighting can be heard not many blocks away. Aleran exits the truck, loads his shotgun, and waits for Roy to join him. The truck driver looks anxious to leave the city, he certainly won't be helping with the fighting.

Last edited by Teh Uberness on Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Left_bar_bleue14/50Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2008 2:51 pm

(OOC:Yea i noticed that too.....Very weird. Well thanks for the decent summary tho. Also my character's name is rAy (with an 'a') ;D)

"Deadly crabs......I don't like the looks of this" I said, as I heard some things moving about down the street.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2008 6:41 pm

"Well, might as well get started. Reinforcements are on the way, but there might not be time to wait."

Shotgun at the ready, Aleran cautiously begins walking down the street in the direction of the screams and gunshots.

OOC: I fixed the name. Sorry...I seem to still have a problem with the ray-roy thing.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2008 6:45 pm

NNIJAGEEK's truck rolls into the town not long after and about half of Yyru's population jumps out the back with assorted weapons.

Half elf, I take it you are lord of Yyru now, or at least that's what the rumors say. No matter, I brought a whole bunch of Yyru citizens with me who wanted to fight.

NINJAGEEK looked around town, it was a little on the quiet side and you could smell rot in the air.

Looking at this "Lord" Aleran person NINJAGEEK asked, What exactly are headcrabs anyways?

OCC: My character is from feudal Japan, he doesn't know these things.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2008 7:00 pm

"Hm, you were that invisible guy, right? With multiple copies of yourself? Well, nice of you to give my troops a lift."
He examines the assorted individuals that had came out of the back of the truck.
"I take it back. I see that you left without my Captain, his officers, or any of the trained soldiers for that matter. As for the crabs, I know only as much as you do, maybe worse."
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Left_bar_bleue14/50Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2008 7:20 pm

"Hey NINGAGEEK, how's it goin'?" I didn't get much time for a greeting as it looked like something was coming towards us.....odd looking too. It was completely drenched in blood and had the shape of a human. In place of a human's head there was a bloblike-formless thing. Drawing my Rapiers I got into my stance where one Rapier was above my head and the other pointing straight towards my target. My right foot also pointed towards my target while my left foot stayed back.
Is this what has cause so much trouble here?
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2008 7:49 pm

"Who are you? What do you want?"
Aleran wants to double check the identity of the humanoid before anyone kills it. He waits a few moments for a response.



"Damn it Carlton! I didn't want it to die yet! I would have killed it myself if I wanted it dead!"
The man from Yyru that Aleran is shouting at cowers down under Aleran's angry glare. But then another man yells out in fear, and a third faints. Turning around, Aleran sees that the thing that was shot by Carlton's shotgun is still alive. It's legs were blown off, but it was still coming towards them at about the same speed as before, only now it was crawling along with it's hands, it's "head" raised and a moaning sound coming from somewhere in the thing's "head".

"Ok, now I want it dead..." Aleran is truely freaked out now.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2008 2:54 pm


NINJAGEEK was staring at the strange thing crawling towards them missing it's legs.

Shouldn't it be dead?

To resolve the problem he ran forward and chopped it's head off. Then he turned around and started walking back towards the group of people.

I guess them being some kind of strange zombie that can take a lot of hits isn't to bad, just chop their heads off.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2008 4:35 pm

"Ninjageek! Look out!"

It was off of the body, jumping at Ninjageek's turned back.

His shotgun echoes on surrounding houses.

Aleran had managed to kill whatever it was. He runs past Ninjageek and examines the thing that had crawled off the head of the legless monster. Nudging the light-brown thing with the toe of his boot, he is finally convinced that it's dead.

"I think we found our head crabs."
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Left_bar_bleue14/50Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2008 6:10 pm

Relaxing from my stance i went over to look at the creature. "Ew....gruesome little thing...."
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 25, 2008 6:12 pm

NINJAGEEK flew through the air as Aleran shouted out to him. After Aleran had killed it he walked back towards where Aleran was prodding something that must be a head crab.

I guess chopping their heads off won't work.

NINJAGEEK put his katana away and pulled out a handgun.

I hate the idea of using a gun but my katana won't help against these monsters.

He started walking farther into the town then turned back.

Let's kill some head crabs!

Even though his mouth wasn't visible somehow you could tell he was smiling.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 25, 2008 6:21 pm

"They really do need our help...", Aleran thinks to himself.

He wouldn't blame the citizens of Yyru for not following him- what they had just seen was quite disturbing ang many a lesser man would not be able to handle it- but he would go on. Without a word Aleran quickly gets to Ninjageek's side and walks level with him. His long cloak billows behind him as he moves, his shotgun rests menacingly in his hands across his torso, his new armor makes no noise so he glides along silently.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 8:18 pm

NINJAGEEK senses Aleran join him without looking. He continues to walk silently down the street until he comes to an intersection. He looks down each road for signs of headcrab zombies.

Then a horrible moaning sound echos down from the road to his right. He looks at Aleran.

Sounds like the fun is that way, lets go kill head crab zombies.

NINJAGEEK then starts walking faster down the road towards the sound, handgun aimed in front of him.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 27, 2008 9:07 am

Aleran pauses before going around the corner. He kneels down next to a body and recognizes it from the police station. So not everyone gets turned into a zombie, some people just die. There was no doubt in Aleran's mind that this policeman was dead; he had a large barbed spike sticking through his heart.

Waste not, want not. Aleran takes the man's handgun and ammo. The more weapons, the better. He then rises up and begins following Ninjageek again, now several yards ahead.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 27, 2008 11:47 am

NINJAGEEK is almost running now eager to start killing the head crabs in the city. A head crab zombie stumbles out onto the street ahead of him.

Blam. . .blam blam blam.

The head crab zombie falls to the ground minus the head crab which had a few hole in it.

Still moving forward he looks for another target.

OOC: this can take as long as we want so please people don't wait for other people to post, just post. I do however suggest waiting for someone to post after you before you post again.
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 28, 2008 8:02 pm

Ninjageek found zombies!!!!!

Aleran begins sprinting towards Ninjageek as more zombies begin limping out of an alleyway. BANG..BANG..BANG. Three shotgun shots, three dead zombies.

"How many are there?" Aleran had no idea before he got in the city that it was this big.

A scream, a grunt, and a fast zombie jumps off a nearby roof landing right next to Aleran. "S***!!!!" BANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGclickclick. Good this the gun ran out of shots, otherwise Aleran would have emptied all of his ammo into the body of the fast head crab zombie.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Left_bar_bleue14/50Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 29, 2008 7:25 am

Ray woke up from his trance....."Dang gore is sick XP and yet i stared at it for like a half hour or so ><....where are the other-" BANG

Ray quicly ran over to where he heard the gunshots when two things came out from behind the corner.

(OOC: is it possible to slice these zombies? Cause i have no gun.....)
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Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 29, 2008 2:00 pm

OOC: Yeah, they can be sliced. Zombies attack you by slashing and biting. You attack them by, well, killing. The best way would be to slice the head crab on top, but killing the host works to. Just know that sometimes the crab can live after the host dies.
I'll RP tonight after the BS meeting.
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PostSubject: Re: Head Crab Invasion Part 1   Head Crab Invasion Part 1 Icon_minitime

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