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 Adventure of Ray and Hawk

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 12:56 pm

"Heh, not bad. I must have a thick head cause i slept like a rock. Which normally doesn't happen. How bout you?"
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 1:01 pm

"slept great, not like a baby who is up every 2 hours" Hawk laughs to himself at the horrible joke he made.

"u wanna jog so we can get movin faster? get places faster joggin than u doin runnin" Hawk then pulls out the knife and leather case he was given and starts to inspect it, it is made of a very sturdy steel and had been taken care of very good, it was very sharp and had the glint and sparkle of a good knife it could be used for many diff things, from killin people, animals, shavin, cuttin small wood, and skinnin. a very useful knife it was

"how is ur weapon?"

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 2:39 pm

Ray jogs through the trees besides Hawk; dodging branches, jumping over fallen trees, and whacking back bushes. He takes out his sickle and begins to whack anything that gets in his way. It makes clean cuts with little effort. Verey effective to cut crops with it. He notices Hawk looking at his knife and answers the question.

"It's not bad, not something i'd use, but it works for its purpose."
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 3:00 pm

"good glad to hear" Hawk then puts his knife away and continues to travel in silence but still keepin alert for anythin that could happen/approach them

Hawk also played back all his trainin on the Force from the academy from back when he was just a kid.

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
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Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 4:42 pm

And that's when Ray slams into something. The something moved and stood up.

"Whoooo Goes there?" It was a Treant. And it looked angry. "Whooo woooke me up from my naaap?" Before giving any kind of answer Ray has to dodge one of the Treant's feet/root that try to stomp him.
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 4:49 pm

Hawk ran on for a little not realizin the comotion for a second since he was completely caught up in his thoughts. realizing that Ray had stopped and was in some kind of bind he went back towards Ray but was stopped by an emormous tree root that shot out of the ground. Hawk was barely able to roll out of the way b4 it hit him.

"Ray wat the hell is this thing?" Hawk hollered over to Ray hoping he would b able 2 hear him but at the same time drawing his swords out in case he was goin 2 need them.

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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 5:06 pm

Rem walked out of the city in search of his friends who had told him that they would be exploring the world of Maroon. Damn it I would have been with them from the very start if I hadnt run into Amber but all well im glad I did because if I hadnt she would most likely be dead now
Rem follows the path for about a day and then he saw a forest, and thought Lets explore through the forest for fun and in a little more detail since I am already behind
Rem walks into the forest wondering how long ago his friends had passed through here
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 5:07 pm

as Hawk was standin there he had a flashback to his earlier years in the academy.
"ok now focus all your enegy on the stone in front of you and let ur mind take over, feel the force inside of u and let it free itself" Hawk was sittin there on the floor lookin at the stone when he heard these instructions and did exactly as he was told, after a few tries he was able to lift the rock off the ground and levitate it there for a second. he tried again and again gettin it farther off the ground and holdin it there longer each time.

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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 5:29 pm

Rem walked through the forest and saw a HUGE hole in the ground, and saw that there was fresh ground dug up. hmm lets have a look why dont we
Rem was ready to let his mind wander since he had his new spell books at hand. Rem reaches into his backpack and pulles out the Book of Earth and placed his hand on the ground and searchs for what he wants to do with his new earth abilities.
Rem: AH HA I got it Ill feel the earth for vibrations and see how far i can feel and if im correct I shouldnt be very far from Ray and Hawk so....if I can feel where they are then I should be able to hear what they are saying.
Rem focused and focused and.....
Rem also found out that his friends were not talking they were fighting.....
Rem: it feels like its a tree, oh wait i think ive heard of them living trees that can control what they do cool, but oh wellz they can handle it I need not hurry to them.
WAIT wtf is that thats not possible how could he a place like this thats impossible he was he was....
Rem got up and started sprinting to where his friends were at.
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 5:43 pm

Hawk jumped out of the way and really high into the air to avoid bein hit by one of the branches that was swumg at him. when he jumped he saw a cloud of dust start to form from the south, he rememberd Ray sayin somethin bout Rem joinin them on their travel eventually so he figured htat must b Rem travelin towards them, but y would he b travelin so fast just 2 catch up? Hawk thought 2 himself, o well i gotta get back 2 fightin this thing and he landed on the ground and started back at his attacks hopin they would inflict some kind of damage

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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 5:58 pm

Rem: Im in too big of hurry to delay, I need to get to my friends to prepare for the upcoming enemy which shouldnt even be possible for him to...uh stay focused
Energy Conversion
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 6:00 pm

as Hawk jumps again he sees that Rem is travelin even faster and realizes he will b there within a min. he drops back down and continues to hack at the tree with both his swords

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
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Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 6:37 pm

Ray dodged the foot stomp in time to counter a fist from the tree. He blocked it back and froze the treant's hand. The treant broke free of the ice and slamed his hand into hawk. Distracted by hawk, Ray jumped torwards the neck of the tree and sliced along it's throat.
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 6:41 pm

Hawk was thrown back several yards before he used some of the force to stop himself
"holy shit that tree packs a fuckin hard punch"

Hawk takes a couple mins gettin back up and makes sure there is no serious injuries 2 himself, prbly broken ribs but mayb only 1 or 2, thank God 4 muscles

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue14/50Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 6:55 pm

The tree slapped his back of his neck and Ray managed to avoid that by dropping down. Then Ray Shot a giant Icicle Spear through the Ent. The Ent staggerd forward a little before it ripped the icicle out of its body almost unaffected. Just a little...angry....

"Fudge" Ray said as the Ent Roared
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 7:58 pm

During Rems sprint it seemed like he had improved his skills by a ton because he was moving faster then he ever had before in his life, and would calculate that his arrival would be in about 30 seconds. Rem used his Lightning Field now to feel the electric currents in the area around him. He could feel Ray and Hawk and the Ents. He could feel that Ray was doing fine for the time being but it seemed like Hawk need help and fast. At last Rem arrived and slid to a stop just in front of the battle.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue14/50Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 8:06 pm

The Ent noticed the newcomer and was about to stomp on him, but Ray was way ahead. He threw his chain and froze the Ent's leg in midair. Surrounded by chain and Ice Ray shot forward and kicked off of trees slicing at the leg multiple times. He was a little more than a blur, but he was going at an intense speed. The ice was cut into little pieces, the Ent's leg with it.
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 8:26 pm

Hawk was finally up and as he walked back to the battle grounds he noticed that Rem had arrived and that Ray wasnt doin 2 bad, that is when he saw an arm comin at him and immediatly he used the force to stop it and was actually able to push it back almost snapping it off

Hawk realized that in his fly backwards he had lost his swords so he retraced his steps back to where he had stopped and there he found his swords stuck in the ground. he quickly pulled them out and slowly jogged back to Rem and Ray.

b4 he got completely entangled in the battle again he took a good swig of alcohol 2 help ease the pain. Hawk then sits for a couple of seconds to c if that will allow the alcohol 2 kick in faster


Last edited by Hawk28 on Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:38 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 8:31 pm

The Ent was just about to crush Hawk.
Rem: NOOOOO! Lightning current
Rem sent a current to where Hawk was trying to get up and teleported in an instant to where he was and readied himself for the impact. The Ents foot came down right on him and Rem held it off with both of his hands and having some trouble. Rem going from instinct tried to zap the crap out of it but knew it wouldnt work. Its wood you idiot save your energy we need to be ready for when "he" comes Rem fought for another minute and then got pissed and fast.
Rem forced the damn Ent's foot off of him and pushed it off balance. Rem used lightning current again and this time ended up right in the damn things face and...
Rem: HEHEH Flare
Fire came from Rem's hand and blasted the Ent into ash in a mere minute.
Rem: You pissed me off you damn tree
Rem looked to see if he needed to help Ray but it looked like he was about done as the Ray's Ent was trying to walk on one foot.
Rem: Ray please dont play with the beast and put it out of its misery, and do you have any healing items Hawk is hurt, i would say broken bones. Do ya have anything for broken bones?
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue14/50Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 9:06 pm

Ray was on it. When the Ent was hopping around Ray iced the ground so the Ent slipped and fell. Ray then drove another giant icicle right down into its stomach. One so big that Ray was actually sweating creating it! Finally the ent stayed down. Ray walked over to Hawk and also noticed Rem. "Hey Rem, nice to see you...again....Um will healing herbs work? I have a lot of them" Ray pulls out a few healing herbs
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 9:08 pm

"guys its just a couple of broken ribs, nottin that wont heal itself w/ time" Hawk was tryin 2 avoid needin the help even tho he was in great pain, i hope they cant c the pain in my face

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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 9:11 pm

Rem kicked Hawk lightly in the ribs and Hawk screamed
Rem: HAHA you cant even fake it well you idiot, Ray heal him so we can move on

Last edited by Narutouzi171717 on Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
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Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 15, 2009 9:13 pm

Mixing some of the healing herbs and grinding them down, Ray created a random drink/potion. I don't even know what im doing....XP Ray said to himself as he had Hawk gulp down the drink.
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 16, 2009 10:54 am

Rem watched and new well that Ray had just put a bunch of crap together and was hoping it would work, hell Rem thought that he could have done better then that but all well if Hawk dies he dies.
Rem: Hay Ray there is something that I need to tell you and Hawk but I dont know how well you will be able to handle it, you need to hurry up and we need to get moving before we talk.
Rem: Hawk are u ok?
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 16, 2009 11:09 am

"He should be fine, i've noticed that anyway you take these herbs, they speed up the natural healing in your body. And they can heal minor cuts and injuries instantly." Hawk gets up and winces in pain, but can move a little more freely.

"Now let's go! We'll keep a steady pace today so Hawk can keep up." Although that won't be a problem considering he has the force....and the fact that....Rem got here so fast....Just how slow am i!?Shaking his head from the thought Ray led the way. They started passing many varieties of trees. From lush green trees to blue trees. Then the trees grew red. ANd finally....grey. By the end of the day, a strong wind blew through the trees.

It was now nightfall and the three had arrived at.....a desert. Ray's throat was parched from running all that time, so he took a swig of the giant water jug he got from the farmer. Ray flashed a challenge through his mind and then grined. "So who wants to see if we can best this desert? How far can us three last against this barren wasteland?" The elf turned to both his partners waiting to hear if they're up to the challenge. "If we don't, we can always find a way around it....."
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