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 Adventure of Ray and Hawk

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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 16, 2009 4:33 pm

Rem raised his hand to make a fire ball in his hand but then realized something. Rem shifted his feet around for about 2 seconds and then yelled "GET DOWN" Rem spun around and lowered down kicking Hawk and Ray in the back of there knees and the collapsed. Rem then did some hand signs as fast as he could
Rem: Fire style fireball jutsu.
A huge ball of fire went flying at an angle towards the celling and then the fire ball was split in two and then it burnt out and made it dark again.
Rem drew his sword and lunged forward
Hawk and Ray herd the clash of two swords sound off around 5 times when all of a sudden the lights came on.
They were in that arena type thing again just like they were in last time when they fought with Jay. They looked around a bit stunned by the lights and then they got used to it. And they saw Rem and Jay with swords locked together around 20ft away from them.
Rem: Remember what we talked about, now get a move on!
Jay: HAHAHAHAHA! So we come to this our final battle, you know the one where i kill you.
Rem: You are going to be the one who will die and I will see to it.
Jay: HAHAHA your weaker then the bitch that tried to infiltrate our base not too long ago.
Rem: what did you say.
Jay: You heard me and you should have seen her cry in pain as I hit her.
Rems body suddenly became surrounded by a red energy.
The red energy shot up around Rem and was like flames that didnt burn Rem. Rems eyes turned red and his teeth grew into fangs and fingernails into claws. His hair started to grow more wild and longer.
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
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Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 16, 2009 5:41 pm

Fudge....that was.....O_o the same thing he used during the headcrab invasion!! WHICH ALMOST KILLED ME!!! Pissed Off .....oh wait we gotta go!!!! Ray clutched his fist and swung into action.
"AS PROMISED!" Ray and Hawk launched off the arena and onto the sides dodging a few attacks from Jay


Ignoring Jay Ray yelled to Hawk: "Hawk it's time!" Ray didn't say what for but he found a door that led in a certain direction.

Once again....they found the common sand-waterfall. (sandfall?) They were on the ledge with 2 doors on either side of the next room.

"Hawk....I'm sorry man....but....I'll see you later!"

Ray jumped off the edge of the sandfall.......

(Hawk reacts someway ((hawk post ur reaction to this XP)))

Ray floats in midair....or more like stands in midair. "Heh, As I thought, there was Something here!! Back when i jumped off the edge to hide from that guy earlier, I swore my feet bumped against something! It's a bridge!! And there's one on each level! C'mon Hawk, let's go!"

Ray raced towards the sandfall when he realized that there was a small part of the sandfall that was just an illusion. This provided to be the opening. Ray walked in with Hawk behind him. They entered through a door and on the inside was a very very large machine in the middle of the room.

The room had spiral steps that led all the way to the ceiling. It was like a tower of this sand ruin base. On the way up the spiral steps there were floor like areas. On each floor: A part of the machine. A very thin pipe with a glowing light stretched from the ceiling to floor of the room itself. At each floor there was a mini version of the base machine on the bottom floor.

The machine was like a pod: There were 7. Light would travel up and down the main pipe and hit the pods. From the pods figures walked out.

They were Gerudos.

Some gerudos were managing the machines, others were respawning from being killed elsewhere in the desert and some were putting sand into the pods. Sand was transferred from the pods to the near-death location of the gerudos.

"Hey what the hell you boys doing here?" A gerudo noticed them and took out a spell book. "How'd you get into here?"

Another gerudo that just respawned saw Hawk and Ray. "Hey! I know those two!! They almost killed me back at Ishai! They almost killed 100of us!!!"

"Uh-oh Hawk.....Um, I think it's time to fight ourselves." Ray unsheathed his blades and whispered to Hawk. "Operation: Destroy teleportation device begins! And 2nd: Race ya up to the ceiling? ;D"
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2009 4:59 pm

" operation 1) sounds fun 2) ill beat u there easily" Hawk said as he pushed himself up usin the force to propel him 2/3 the way up then landed on the stairs nd then pushed off again makin it all the way to the ceilin in no time. when he looked down he saw Ray havin trouble makin it up cause some of the gerudos were closin in on him

Hawk sent a force push at the one gettin closest to Ray nd then pulled Ray up with him as he got to the top. "Force nd ice. make a really big ice piece nd stick it out in front of u so i can push it down at them" Hawk said as he readied himself nd also pulled out his lightsaber

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Left_bar_bleue14/50Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2009 5:09 pm

"Alrighty!" Ray drew his energy and created a huge block. "Ready?"
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2009 5:13 pm

"hell ya" Hawk said as he launched the ice straight at the people commin at them "one more time, this one is 4 the machine" Hawk said as he also sent a force grenade at the gerudos closest to them

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Left_bar_bleue14/50Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2009 5:23 pm

"Wait Hawk.... If we destroy the teleporter....well it happens to be what's holding the room above us.... Destroy that and it goes crash over our heads.

I think it's best if we go see what's up. Because i have a feeling Glin is up there. Kay?" Ray waited 2 seconds for an answer.
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2009 5:25 pm

"k wat ev u say bro, how we gonna get up there again? scratch" Hawk asked Ray as he launched another grenade nd then a final force push

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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Left_bar_bleue14/50Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 17, 2009 5:55 pm

"Um....let's run!" Running towards the top they found a trap door in the cieling. "Let's make big enterance! Use ur force!"

Hawk used the force to push the trapdoor out of the way and the two jumped into the next room. Ray and Hawk created sheilds onto the trapdoor to block the oncoming gerudos.

In the room was a cage in the middle, a few couches with a table on the side, a few sand hourglasses on the wall, and a few lushous tapestries.

"Well well well, who do we have here? Two fine young men crashing into my room without permission?" A salacious looking gerudo came out behind the bed curtain. She had one arm drawing the curtain and was leaning on the bed post.

"Ray!" Glin yelled. She was sitting in the middle of the room in the cage.

"Awwwwww how sweet! You know my daughter." The lady came foward closer to Ray and Hawk.

"Shut up child, talk only when spoken to!" The lady put her hand through the bars and sand shot threw her fingertips into Glin's mouth. Glin spat in disgust and tried to get all of the sand out of her mouth.

"Now for you two. Are you two a part of Elix?" She had her hands by her side slightly clutched. Ray moved his eyes back from her face to the hands, trying to detect any scource of movement.

"Who is Elix?" Ray asked with a look of puzzlement.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! WHO'S ELIX!!!! HA!! FUNNEY!! You think you can come into our BASE AND PRETEND LIKE YOU ARN'T A PART OF ELIX!! YOU MAKE ME LAUGH!! But no, I'm onto you! You are A part of Elix, Assasins of Elix to kill me."

"No we're really not...a part of this Elix guy." Ray insisted.

Then the lady laughed again. But this time in a more sincere laughing tone. One that wasn't so mocking like the last one. "WHAHAAHAHAHAHA!! You really don't know who Elix is do you? That's because it isn't a who But a [/i]what[/i]! They are a group who originally had this base to themselves. Until we proved in a battle that we were the better group! Us gerudos!! Those sand dwellers didn't compare to us sand dwellers!" Finishing her explanation her smiled dissapeared and her eyes squinted.

"However, you are still intruders, and I can't have you taking my daughter away from me. Now please stand still as I completely annilate you." She launced foward at an amazing speed in an odd posistion. Sand flew from her fingertips as she launched a sand whip at us of some sort.

(Don't kill her Hawk, just injure her enough so we can save Glin. Oh and prepare for somewhat long dont rush ;D)
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2009 5:40 pm

The power was overwhelming and it had made the entire arena area go red.
Rem made some hand signs faster then humanly possible
Rem: Fire style pheonix flower jutsu
Multiple fire balls shot out of Rems mouth and they were huge.
Jay dodged them with ease.
Rem: *hand signs* Fire style dragon flame jutsu
A beam of fire came out of Rems mouth and then went straight at Jay who held up his hands and did something to block it. The flame continued to go at Jay and he just kept his hands up blocking the flames. Rem while shooting out fire did some more hand signs and focused it into his left hand.
Rem: Chidori!
Rem then ran up along with the fire that was coming to an end and was disappearing. Rem followed the flames until it finaly ended in front of Jay. So when the fire was all gone Rem was already infront of Jay with his Chidori. (Chidori is a ball of lightning held in the hand) Jay swung to strike Jay but Jay just barley moved in time. Jay then jumped up.
Then all of a sudden everything stopped, even time itself. Jay was in the air not moving an inch. It was like everything was frozen.
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2009 7:42 pm

Hawk saw the women come at them so he quickly stepped to the side and using the force put up a huge wall of "sand force" using the sand she was throwin at them. she ran into it barely tho she was able to stop most of the way b4 she hit it to bad. she stepped back nd threw sand at Hawk which he easily brushed aside xcept some was able to get to him but it did little harm to him


(Ray i will let u end the battle i will just make posts of blockin/lightly attacking her, end it when u please)
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 19, 2009 6:31 pm

Hawk made an attempt to get over to Glin's cage but was blocked by a wall of sand. on a second attempt he pushed the wall aside nd made it to the cage where he took a few seconds to inspect it. "Ray it looks like it needs a special key to open i dont kno if i can get it with the force tho u might b able to form a key w/ ice after we take this crazy lady down" Hawk yelled as he jumped to the side to avoid another sand blast. he was headed over towards Ray when he saw a couple gerudos try to come into the room he quickly pushed them back down nd then takin the doow jammed it back into place so no one could get in hopefuly

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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 23, 2009 5:44 pm

Rem slowly started to walk around looking around amazed and yet scared, what was this and how did it happen.
Rem then heard a voice.
Voice: How dare you be so weak.
Rem: w..who r u?
Voice: Aparently I am your power.
Rem: what?
Voice: I will give you 5 minutes to do something right.
Rem: wait 5 minutes for what
Voice: you have 5 minutes to do what you should have been able to do, but you are so weak.
Rem: Wait! What r u talking about?!?!?!?
Then red energy flowed out of Rems body and surrounded the area in heat and red energy.
It was very difficult to control.
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 25, 2009 5:07 pm

Hawk tried to make his way back over to the cage but was blocked by a huge wall of sand "Holy shit wat the......." nd when he was able to move that aside he shot himself back towards the cage this time makin it a little closer. he repeated this about 3 or 4 times b4 he actually made it to the cage nd then he took his LS nd slashed open the cage nd when he got Glin out he shoved the cage where he though the lady might b to injure her a little

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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 25, 2009 5:18 pm

The energy hurt bad it felt like it was burning his skin right off.
Rem started to ignore the pain because he figured if he used a lot of energy it would take the energy away so there would be less to hurt him.
Then time started to move agan.
Rem lunged at Jay and what Rem noticed was that he was faster then he even thought possible.
Jay was no match for the speed and was slammed down into the ground with increadible force
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Number of posts : 839
Age : 31
Location : Marotropolis
RP Exp : 344
Registration date : 2008-05-25

Character Stats
RP Level:
Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Left_bar_bleue14/50Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty_bar_bleue  (14/50)
Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2009 7:05 am

The Gerudo Women had wrapped sand around Ray's blades and disarmed him. Ray froze the sand with his ice to prevent further attack.

Next the cage was thrown at her and it knocked her out. Ray looked at Hawk and nodded. "Good job! Let's get out of here!"

Glin, Hawk, and Ray opened the trap door and started running down the steps. On the way down Hawk used the force to create a pressure onto the Teleportation devices. Ray put ice around it to hold in the pressure. Next Hawk used his force to tap into the ice which released the pressure that the ice was holding so much it created a huge massive explosion.

Hawk, Ray, and Glin fell down to the bottom of the room, it was lucky for them that Hawk used his force to prevent them from hitting the ground. They exited back out of the original enterance.

They were back onto the invisible bridge infront of the sand waterfall. And that was when Ray decided to ask Glin something.

"So that's not your real mom is it?"

"No, it isn' certainly looks like her....but I....have this feeling isn't....."

" Ishai the Gerudo Elder told us about how your mom came to the village with the other Gerudos....but we were told she died"

"THAT was the FAKE ONE!! The same one you just defeated....she must've used her teleporter to stay alive....."

"Ah....that makes sense!" Ray said. "Well we gotta go! Now that your safe, our friend Rem is in the battle of his be honest I kinda want to watch....and then get out of here."

" you remember my fake mother talking about 'Elix'?"

" that you mention it, I do."

"They were the ones that killed my grandfather. My fake mother was telling me that they almost all use laserguns as weapons. I....I want to get revenge."

"O_o You're telling me you want me to completely destroy an entire group?"

"No, just find out why they killed my godfather and kill the leader of the group. =D"

"=,= idk....what do you think hawk?" Ray turned to Hawk for an answer to see what he wanted to do.

((OOC: Srry I pretty much just god-modded ya hawk in this entire post....had to get story moving))
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2009 6:23 pm

OOC: completely fine w/ tht plus u is the founder u do wat u want lol XD nd glad u finally got it movin

"idk if the plan will work i mean how the hell do u plan on gettin tot he leader w/o gettin in millions of battles but if we got to the leader i could use the force to make him tell the truth nd well i just dont c how we can get in there but its up to u i mean u were the one tht wanted to save/help her so its ur decision plus i love a good fight"

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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeSat Feb 28, 2009 10:36 am

The dust cleared and Jay was on his feet and running at Rem. Jay had his dagger in his right hand and was swinging it from the left side of his body to his right. The tip of the blade was pointed at Rem so it would stab him. Rem started to move but felt a huge amount of pain from all the energy. He closed his eyes and screamed in pain. Jays dagger suck into Rems right shoulder. Rems energy started to leave Rem.
Damn finally the 5minutes are up
Rem started to feel his energy coming back and felt no trace of the demon energy, suddenly Rems natural energy started to decrease rapidly. Rem struggled to catch his breath, it was hard to breath.
Rem:w-wha-ts h-appeni-ng?
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 04, 2009 8:49 pm

Jay: HAHAHAHA my dagger doesnt just take the power from the target only if he is dead, but it is only based on contact.
Rem: d-damn.
Jay then pulled the dagger out of Rems arm. Rem slowly fell to the ground. Then there was another time freeze.
Voice: You are a disgrace. You cannot even fend for yourself. I have given you my strength and yet you are still as usless as you always have been. For this pathetic display of crap I am now going to strip you of your ability to manipulate energy.
Rem: n-no you c-cant.
Voice: HAHA Yes I can and I am going to do it right now.
Rem felt his entire body being stripped of his own power. damn so that means that I will never be able to use demon mode ever again, how will I ever beat Jay then
The time freeze stopped and Rem fell to the floor.
Jay walked up and kicked Rem in the gut and sent him flying across the room. Jay then continued to kick him around like a soccer ball for about 5 minutes.
Jay: *sigh* I grow tired of you, you bore me to no end. I cant believe this, and here I thought I might have a good fight but noooo I have to get some pathetic piece of trash that lays here before me not even able to fight back. Well then fine I will end this for the final time. No more coming back for revenge because this was your last chance and you blew it.
Jay walked up and held up his dagger and thrust it right through Rems abdomen.
Rems eyes began to close and his muscles began to relax. His body lay limp on the ground. Then all of a sudden he was thrust out of his own body and he was...A GHOST!?!?!?!(or is he???)
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 6:42 pm

Hawk, Ray, nd Glin walked into the arena are where Jay nd Rem were fightin just in time to see Rem freeze in the middle of nowhere nd all of a sudden he just dropped to the ground

Hawk whispered to Ray,"shit i think he just died, should we try nd finish off Jay?"

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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 6:52 pm

sorry MM this had to be done
God modding MM:
MM: No I think we should wait here because I have this strange feeling that even if Rem dies he will finish off Jay before that happens so lets stay back and try not to be seen.
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 6:55 pm

"ok sounds good w/ me but if Rem dies then im steppin in w/ or w/o u, or when he falls down nd stays down for 10 seconds im goin in"

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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 7:06 pm

Rem walked around for a while and then tried to attack Jay but only fell through him
Rem: WAIT I have an idea, I read about something like this while exploring Dianas computer. Ok lets try this, but hmm...will I lose all of my abilities if I do do it or will I just get a new one??? And I think it said something about a demon or a hollow type thing, whatever that is. Oh well lets try this.
Rem slowly lifted his body and then stepped inside it he was inside his body again and then thrust out again but this time it was like he just shed off his old body like a snake. He was a Soul Reaper?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Rem: whoa it worked
Jay looked amazed and shocked
Jay: what the hell?!?!?!
Rem smiled and then noticed that he had none of his original weapons on him but he had a huge sword straped across his back and it was about as tall as he was. Rem drew the sword and got ready for an attack
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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 7:10 pm

Hawk saw Rem's body rise again nd he was amazed cause it looked like he had died nd he just barely made the 10 secs cause hawk was already in the motion of drawin his weapons nd goin to attack

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Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 7:11 pm

((OOC: So you have Zangetsu now? <_<

Sorry for posting here if you don't want any OOC's))
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Number of posts : 839
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Exp: 12170/13000
Gold: 9550

Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 05, 2009 7:34 pm

Narutouzi171717 wrote:
sorry MM this had to be done
God modding MM:
MM: No I think we should wait here because I have this strange feeling that even if Rem dies he will finish off Jay before that happens so lets stay back and try not to be seen.

(OOC: Pissed Off )
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PostSubject: Re: Adventure of Ray and Hawk   Adventure of Ray and Hawk - Page 11 Icon_minitime

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